Chapter 21

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Three magazines slammed next to me. Panic rose inside me as I looked up at the curly haired boy. Anger yet sadness was in his emerald green eyes.

"Did you see these?!" he yelled.

I looked back down at my lap, not saying a word. The bed shook as he sat down on the bed with the magazines in between us. I quietly looked over and saw the crushed boy slumped over with his face in his hands. I felt bad. Without saying a word, I tapped his broad shoulder and he turned to look at me with tears in his eyes. I felt a lump in my throat as I took a deep breath.

"Why so upset?"

Harry gave me a confused look, as if I didn't know.

"I're more upset about it then I thought you would have been."

Harry gave me another look then turned back around, only to cover his face again as well as shaking his head. There was a long pause as I bit my lip questioning my next sentence, before I finally spoke it.

"I mean I would of thought you would be happy," Harry stood up straighter at the words. "You clearly would not have mind if we got together. I mean you kissed me!" Harry let his hands drop and he turned to look me in the eye. "I thought you might have been actually happy that people thought we were going out. I kissed me! Why did you kiss me?!"

He took a deep breath and sat up straight, fidgeting with his fingers. It took a few minutes before he looked back up. He turned to look at me with tears in his eyes. One trickled down his cheek as he licked his lips before actually saying anything.

"I kissed you because I liked you. I still like you. It's just..." he took another deep breath as another tear fell onto his cheek,"Niall and the others are going to see these pictures and I know for a fact Niall is going to be mad at me. Maybe even Louis too. Zayn and Liam will just be upset. I just don't want to be kicked out of the band ok?..."

His face dropped into his hands as he began to cry. I took a deep yet shaky breath and started to rub his back.

"They may get mad or upset but I know for a fact they won't kick you out of the band so don't say that."

He let out a moan as he sat back up and wiped some tears from his eyes.


He looked at me with a smirk.

"You just can't stop being perfect can you?" he said smiling with joy in his eyes.

"Uh..." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sorry...forgot...Your Niall's..." he said looking back down at his lap.

"Well you had a chance. Almost ten months at the most."

He suddenly looked up smiling.


"You and Niall were never actually confirmed right?" he asked with hope in his eyes.

"" I began to panic as his eyes grew wider and he began to smile,"" I said looking down at my lap.

"I mean he's already going to be mad at me so..." Harry said leaning in.

I jumped to my feet as the boy fell face down into to the bed. He sat up and looked at me.

"You know you can't!" I snapped.

"I know I'm sorry..." he said looking back down.

"Harry..." I sat next to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "You're an amazing guy. You're funny, handsome, sweet, and the list goes on. I just can't be with you. I'm with Niall okay? I know you're disappointed and sad right now but someday you're going to find a special someone. I'm just not them. You deserve someone that wants to be with you Harry. You deserve someone as perfect as you are, and one day you're going to find that someone. Just maybe not today. Or tomorrow. But someday you will. You just have to be patient and find out..."

He looked up and stared at me with those beautiful eyes of his. He smiled a little before bringing me in into a hug.

"Thank you..." he whispered into my ear.

I smiled into his shoulder and said," Your welcome.."

We sat there for a moment and hugged each other before parting at the sound of the hotel room slamming open. I knew what was coming just as I threw the magazines into the already lit fireplace. Harry's eyes widened as Niall barged into the room, angry. He examined us for a minute before turning all his focus onto Harry.

"Harry!" he yelled before slamming the magazines onto the floor...

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