Chapter 4

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The car pulled up in front of the hotel and before I left I gave Niall a hug and he held me tightly. I said good-bye and walked into the hotel with an idiot smile on my face, having butterflies flying crazy in my stomach. As I exited the elevator I noticed Zayn and Harry arguing in front of my hotel room. I walked towards them.

"May I help yo-"

"Where's Niall?!" Harry yelled.

"He just dropped me off and left. Why what's going on?"

"We had rehearsals earlier and he didn't show up!" Harry started yelling and throwing my hands in the air.

As Harry was yelling and explaining everything, I noticed Zayn's expression. He looked as though he was in another world of his own, then he suddenly smiled. I turned back to Harry.

"Well I don't know where he is now. He left."

"Fine. Can you call him?"

"Why don't you call him? You are his band member!"

"Just call him, please?" Zayn said.

I took out my phone and dialed in Niall's number. It ringed a few times then he answered.

"Hello?" I heard Niall say with his confused voice.

"Hey it's Taylor. Harry and Zayn are wondering where you are"

As Niall answered, I looked up and saw Zayn staring at me with his beautiful brown eyes. He quickly looked away and I did as well with a little smile on my face.

"Okay I'll tell them. Okay. Bye."

I hung up and slid my phone back in my pocket.

"Well where is he?!" Harry yelled.

"He's back at the hotel!"

"Ok thank you!" Harry said as he gave me a tight hug yet an awkward one.

He then let go and started walking towards the elevator. Zayn came over said thank you and gave me a hug. It was a warm, tight hug and it lasted for at least a minute until Harry yelled for Zayn to come. He pulled back from the hug smiled then walked away. Once they were in the elevator, I walked into my hotel room and shut the door. I sat down and looked at my phone. Niall was asking if I would like to go to a movie with him later. I couldn't help but think of Zayn as well...

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