Chapter 5

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I stood up after waiting five minutes outside in the freezing cold, when a car drove up to me. I walked over as the door opened. Inside was that cute little blondie with a huge smile on his face. I faked a smile and jumped into the car and sat down.

"Sorry for the wait. You cold eh?" Niall asked as he turned up the heat in the car.

"No I was just waiting for a few minutes."

"Well okay. We have to stop by my hotel if that okay."

I paused biting my lip.

"Uh...yeah it's okay..."

Once we drove up to the hotel, we both got out and walked in. It was very pretty with Christmas lights hanging around and the small Christmas trees. We walked onto the elevator and stepped out when it stopped. Niall led me to the room and knocked twice. Harry answered.

"Niall!" he said giving Niall a hug as I just stood there awkwardly. "Oh um...hi Taylor."


We walked inside and the room was huge. It had three queen sized beds, a couch, a huge bathroom, two closets, a small kitchen, and a flat screen.


Niall laughed as he placed down his phone and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door.

"Harry did I just hear Niall-" Zayn said as he walked into the room but stopped in his tracks as he looked up.


Zayn gave Harry a look and Harry just shrugged his shoulders. Then Louis got out of bed and walked over.

"Well hello love!" he said as he placed his arm around my shoulders.


"So was the little ol' Niall?" Louis said with a huge smile on his face.

"He went into the bathroom," I said giving Harry and Zayn a look.

Louis walked out of the room and I had no idea where Liam was, so it was just Harry, Zayn, and I with Niall in the bathroom. There was a good ten or so minutes of awkward silence until I broke it.

"Why do you guys hate me?"

"Hate you?! Why do you think we hate you?!" Harry said shocked as he took his arm off of Zayn's shoulder.

"Well you yelled and Zayn gives an uncomfortable stare..."

I looked over at Zayn, who's head was down and cheeks were a bright pink.

"Well we don't hate you. We just don't know you..." Harry explained as he walked over to a bed and patted the side next to him gesturing for me to sit there.

I walked over and sat next to him. Zayn came over, grabbed a chair and sat down in front of us.

"So tell us about you," Harry said with his beautiful emerald green eyes.

After an hour or so of talking and laughing, Zayn, Harry, and I became friends. Then Niall finally came out. He was dressed differently. He had a red Christmas sweater, some jeans, a white scarf, and he even did his hair. I laughed.

"Why did you have to change?"

"To get into the spirit!" Niall said smiling showing off his teeth.

"Where you guys going?" Harry asked standing up as Zayn stood up as well.

"I was thinking a movie eh?" he asked turning to me.

"Sounds good," I said with the most idiotic smile.

There was a small pause.

"Can we come along!?" Zayn yelled.

"Um...if it's alright with Taylor?..." Niall asked me.

I paused. I wanted it to be just me and Niall, alone. Yet, I looked over at Harry and Zayn's beautiful eyes and smiles. They were my friends now, at least I thought they were. After a minute or two, I saw the sparkle in their eyes fade away and their smiles disappear.


They all started smiling and laughing and jumping and hugging. And just having fun. I faked a smile as we left the room and walked towards the elevator. As we entered, I realized what I thought would be a date turned out to be the opposite...

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