Chapter 18

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Shoto's pov
I nodded i finished eating and he grabbed my bag for me and we headed out to the car.
We took off and about 30 minutes later we pulled up to the hospital and he got me checked in and almost right away we got called back.
Allright go ahead and take off your shirt and sit up on the bed for me? The doctor asked i did as i was asked and i quickly pulled my shirt off and he got to work on unwrapping the bandages okay no go ahead and lay down this part will probaly hurt a bit so if you need to hold onto something go ahead and do so he said.
I nodded as mr aizawa came over to me and offered me his hand i took it in my hand as i felt the pain start from him going in and popping each stitch aroumd my nipples and the actual incision and he popped the stiches around the holes from the drains, i winced a bit as i squeezed his hand he squeezed my hand back as i felt all the threads being pulled through after about ten minutes of discomfort and pain he was done. I slowly sat up and i pulled my shirt back on.
Okay shoto go out to the hall right next to the nurses station there is a huge full length mirror go and check it out, the doctor said i nodded. Aizawa helped me off the bed and he followed me out of the room with my bag, i got to the nurses station and i saw dr matthis standing there talking to a nurse. He looked up and i smiled. He came over and he patted me on the shoulder you here for your final viewing?
I just noddes as i turned towards the mirror and i pulled my shirt back off and held it down on my arms. I looked at the mirror and the euphoria, that was rushing through me made me slowly sing to my knees as i started crying i held my hands over my mouth i was gently lifted to my feet and i turned and i hugged mr aizawa tightly he smiled a bit as he hugged me back, you have never done this before shoto are you okay? I just nodded.
I pulled away as i looked back in the mirror as i ran my hands over my chest as i smiled widely.
Come one fix your shirt back up and lets get picture for the wall of transitions the doctor said i nodded as i shrugged my shirt back up and he held up a camera and he snapped a quick picture.
Come on you have places to be and people to show aizawa said.
Hey dad?
He turned and looked at me yeah son?
Thank you so much you know for everything you know if it wasnt for you and pops i would have been gone a long time ago. He smiled widely and pulled me into a tight hug.
You have no reason to thank me kiddo we just did what we thought was best for our student to help him and in the proccess we became a family therea nothing else to it your our son now and we will never give you up he said as he hugged me tightly.
He pulled away and he wipped my tears.
I turned to my doctor and i smiled.
Thanks you for all of this, but i have one question how long till i can get it wet do i have to wait longer or can I shower and swim now?
You can get it as wet as you want noe just have fun and stay safe.
Can we puck up eri and maybe have a class weekend at the beach?
Yeah i dont see why not its still pretty early ill send a text to the group chat.
We walked down the hall and rode the elevator down to the main lobby.
We got to the car and already his phone was blowing up.
I opened the group chat to just about everyone saying they will come.
We drove back and we walked in.
So shoto how was your appointment and why did mr aizawa offer up a beach weekend right at the time it should of ended? Mina questioned.
Well the beach was actually my idea and its something ive been wanting to do for a long time now but i couldnt cause i didnt have the body confidence i needed but now i do so go grab your stuff for the weekend and ill meet you back out here inthe common area.
I went to my room and i grabbed my small duffle and i put 2 pairs of swim trunks a couple pairs of shorts and a tank top i put a pair of sneakets in and i grabbed my towel and some sun screen, packed everything up and i changed into my trunks and i pulled a tee shirt over i slid my feet into a pair of flip flops i grabbed my pillow and my blanket and i rolled everything up and i strapped it to the top of my duffle bagi picked it up and i grabbed my phone and my wallet and i headed out i locked my door and i went down to the common area i sat my bag down and i sat down on the couch as i watched everyone slowly file their way down.
I saw dad coming down with the keys to the bus in his hand. Okay so we need to swing by the house hizashi has went to the store and he got food and drinks and he filled the coolers and he already picked up eri. He said as he sat down next to me.
You excited to show it off today huh? I just smiled a bit and nodded.
I felt an arm slide over my shoulder and down my chest as he leaned over me and kissed my cheek.
I leaned back and i saw bakugou standing there he smiled a bit as he leaned down and kissed me as he slid his hands softly over my chest. I really dont need to be seeing my son making out with his boyfriend i heard dad say as he got up bakugou smiled as he moved around and sat down where dad was sitting making us hear a slight laugh from him.
He leaned over and kissed me again this time a little deeper as i felt his fingers play with the hem of my shirt as he sneaked one hand up as i flet him feel my chest making me let out a deep breath into the kiss.
He pulled away and smiled as he pulles his hand away he leaned over and placed his head on my chest. Feels nice baby he said quietly making me blush a bit.
Soon all the student were down and dad got up and we all followed him outside as we climbed onto the bus.
We pulled up to the house and he got off and he went around back and he opened the back door as pops came out of the house wheeling two large coolers behind him.
I decided to help so i got up and i walked off the bus.
I go inside and i see eri sitting on the couch in her swim suit with a little sun dress over top. I go over and I pick up the few bags of groceries and i go and pick her up and i sat her on my hip making her giggle a bit as i carefully picked up her over night bag. I carried everything out and i sat her bag in the back with everything else and i put the food next to the coolers.
We climbed back on the bus and i looked at eri so where do you want to sit with me and kat pr with dad and pops? I asked her.
I watched her smile.can I sit with you and kat kat please sho sho? I just smiled of course you can sweety here you can sit right in the middle of us i said as i sat her down in the middle.

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