Chapter 11

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"Why do you think the moon just sits up there like that?"

Juuzou's voice was nothing but static in the back of her mind while she drowned in the middle of the room.




Emiko was being met with the feelings again. The feelings that plagued her every once in a while. In general, she fights off any feeling that approaches her but this was different. This was an ache deep inside of her.

The ache was something that went nowhere no matter what she thought or tried. It yelled at her and fried her brain to scrambled eggs.


The voice was a mumble in the background along with the pressure on her finger tips. She found it so hard to focus on where she was and what she was doing. Everything just felt fuzzy and drained.




She knew it would come back because she was too weak for it not to. Pretending to be strong got her places in reality but never in her own head. She knew this was because her mind was never fooled by her charades. Her mind knew she was sick and frail. No amount of snapping and cursing could ever convince it otherwise.

Her mind whispered to her the end. Her mind whispered that her end was not the end of her body, but that she was gonna lose. But she would never admit she was truly terrified of losing.

"Hello? Emiko?" Cold hands wrapped around her wrists and bubbling crimson eyes were focused on her. Juuzou was always impatient with being ignored and so such a dramatic reaction was unsurprising but still so very annoying.

"What?" The snap was almost enough to hide the shock factor that was there from being shaken from her thoughts.

"You're tearing up your skin." Juuzou tsked at the bleeding skin of Emiko's fingers. She had chewed the sides until they were bleeding. "And I asked you question."

Anger before concern.

Defiance before worry.

Illogical fury before acknowledging fear.

"What do you want?!"

Juuzou's eyes dilated at the behavior of Emiko. He looked at her form sitting on the counter. She was slouched over her bleeding and peeling hands that were attached to the wrists he held.

She was obviously being irrational. He could process that much easily as he is usually the irrational figure in the equation. His gaze moved to her angry bright coffee colored eyes and felt the bloodlust tug in his belly.

Juuzou did not like her tone or attitude.

As poorly behaved of him as it is, the way she just yelled at him out of nowhere made him was to cut someone. Whether he would ever cut her for doing something so small was always in the air for him.

He just knew he liked the way she was losing her shit but could not promise she would like his reaction every time. It made him feel warm and that rocking sensation seemed to return. Almost like the idea of her being angry was enough to make him flushed. But he knew he liked it when she lost control. It was what made him feel drawn to her.

"Emiko... You should not yell at me like that.~" He giggled and squeezed both wrists firmly. Edge cutting the tone he used with her.

She paused at his unspoken threat. Emiko forgot her problems for a second as his voice made her bones shudder with fear. Not terror but the healthy amount of fear you would feel before getting on a roller coaster. The fear that gave you jitters before you ignored it anyways.

Identity Disorder {A Juuzou Suzuya Story} Where stories live. Discover now