Chapter 14

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"I'm thinking about getting a job."

She spoke out loud as the pair walked to their apartment on the warm day. The burning sensation of the crimson gaze could be felt on her skin before she spoke. Annoyingly enough, Emiko grew more and more aware of the small feelings she got from some of the smallest things Juuzou did.

It did not help that he suddenly grew more affectionate since their last late night talk. The heat she felt in her skin when he grabbed her made her heart pound in her chest and irritated her more than anything.

Emiko could honestly say she drew the line when he got out of the shower with his hair tied high and his stitched chest exposed as he worked to slip his tank top on. She knew he was running late and did not mean to be in the living room shirtless but with the way her face filled with scarlet and her eyes widened, she wanted to bury herself.

She knew exactly what it all meant.

The way she blushed when she looked at him or when he did the most simple things. The way her heart pounded whether he was threatening her life or just passively touching her.  Her heart thrashed against her bones and told her more than she would ever be willing to hear.

She may have developed a crush on Juuzou.

Emiko tried so hard to tell herself it did not mean much to have a crush in her case. Tried to use logic and explain to herself that her lack of experience and physical contact with anyone makes it easier for her to develop crushes. But the logic did not get rid of the feelings. The logic only explained the feelings.

"I thought I was your job."

He questioned with a curious gaze. A small frown crawled up his face.

The idea of Emiko working displeased him. He already hated when he was off and she was at school. Hated when he was forced to spend time alone with himself instead of bothering her. If she was to get a job, he would have a lot more alone time than before. Especially with school also going on.

"It would give me more to do. All I do is go to school and babysit you, rag doll."

Emiko's back suddenly hit the harsh concrete wall of the alley the pair were passing. A gasp barely slipping her lips as she was too startled to lash out at Juuzou. But when she thought she may have collected her breath, her coffee gaze was met with cool crimsons that stole the air from her lungs.

Her top teeth bit harshly into her bottom lip as she watched Juuzou veer just shy of being murderous. A hand slamming next to her head into the rough texture behind her as he stared down into her gaze. She held her breath for only a few moments before forcing even rising and falling of her chest. Her coffee eyes fell completely emotionless as she willed herself to not give a panicked reaction.

Even if her heart pounded like a humming bird inside and her face flushed heavily.

"I really do not like when you call me rag doll." His bright teeth gritted before his pale lips flashed a not so friendly smile.

Emiko could feel the warmth of his breath making her blush even worse. She wished herself dead when his hand wrapped around her waist because she could not stop her mouth from parting and the butterflies from infesting her stomach. Nonetheless, she had point to prove as he leaned her forehead against her own.

He was getting too fucking comfortable.

"I am not afraid to gut your ass, Suzuya."

Before he could register it, the blades from her sides had pressed intensely into the cloth over his abdomen. Juuzou knew from the sharp sensation of the teeth that lined her daggers that he had been cut. They had cut so easily through the loose cotton shirt he wore. With a hand holding the handle of her dark blade, her hand splayed itself across the side of his rib. The hand tugged him closer to the teeth that made him flush ever so slightly.

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