Chapter 4

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"I am so sorry, Emiko. He just won't leave the house an-!"

"What's the point of being sorry for the inevitable Mr. Shinohara?" Though her words sounded like they would be relieving, he couldn't help but feel like they referenced another occurrence. He sighed and agreed softly.

"I've spoken to him, he'll try not to harm you and he'll talk today. Again I'm so so-"

"Don't you have a job to get to, Shinohara?" She ended the call, slowly getting increasingly more irritated this morning. She skipped a night dose on her medication yesterday, finding herself too busy with Arima and now she found her emotions trying to fight her.

I agreed for ten, then they switch up my time... Freaking CCG and my freaking guardian knowing I had time in the evening to myself...

She tied her inky waves up after changing out of her pajamas and into jeans and a camisole. She found herself lazy after her classes and so she laid around instead of being productive. She slipped on a sweater, knowing that though the weather still felt like a warm summer, the cool evening and night would roll around and ruin it like every late fall. It was as if the warmth was making up for its soon to be coming absence during the winter.

When she left her room, she glanced at her phone and gave a relieved smile when she realized Juuzou lived not even ten minutes away. She knew exactly where he was and it made her uncomfortable that he was apart of the same apartment complex as her, only on the other side of the parking lot and fountain. She rubbed her face, hoping he would never find out where she lived and decide to murder her in her sleep.

She started for the steps, only to blink as she almost ran into someone. When she looked up, there was a boy who seemed a little older than her and he only smiled at her.

"Hi." She summoned a fake smile."Um excuse me."

"Emiko right?" She mentally groaned. She didn't care for conversation, especially with an overly friendly blue haired boy.

"I'm Bonu, from your class." She nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Boner!" She called over her shoulder as she rushed up the stairs to get to Juuzou's apartment. She hated being late and she also felt bad for someone who's parents named their child Boner.

She knocked on the door lightly and wasn't suprised when there was no movement to open the door. She sighed and opened the door, walking in to the dimly lit apartment. She saw Juuzou sitting at the kitchen table, with his head down resting on an arm and his other arm stretched in front of him. She sighed and closed the door behind her with her foot. She took a seat in front of Juuzou, a book on her lap in case he decided not to speak to her.

"How are you today?" She didn't necessarily need to ask to know how he felt. His hair was messy and seemed tangled, he seems paler and thinner than he was at the time of their last meeting and she could see him pulling at the stitch on his lip. She stiffened at the hollow look he sent her when he rested his chin on his arm and stared up at her. She felt herself grow a bit nervous at the hostility that always emitted from him in her presence since they started these sessions.

"Mr. Shinohara said I had to play nice this time." He sounded childish but the undertone and stare he gave her screamed everything but.

"But you don't trust me." Emiko finished, she wasn't suprised. The mistrust and anger wasn't being hidden at all.

"Well what could I do to get you to?" She asked and he only stared at her with dark crimson eyes, darkness under them. Horribly tense silence enveloped them and it made Emiko glance everywhere but him.

"Your apartment is filthy." She muttered, eyeing the wrappers and takeout boxes around them. She stood and began to clean, out of pure nervousness. Her movements felt robotic as she felt his gaze on her and she slowly began to relax as she started throwing away empty boxes.

Identity Disorder {A Juuzou Suzuya Story} Where stories live. Discover now