Chapter 9

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Emiko had her arms crossed as the large man bent his body down slightly to fit into her doorway. Coming into her apartment, he tossed an awkward and trying smile her way, and it was in vain because she was still angry.

"Emiko, straighten up." Arima came inside moments after the man with a cold expression and a reprimand. Her dark expression turned to her legal guardian but she no longer scowled. Shinohara glanced awkwardly and Arima didn't break eye contact with Emiko. Honestly, he was just glad she was not looking at him anymore.

"Could you give us a moment, inspector?" The monotone borderline demanded and Shinohara cleared his throat with hesitancy.

"Yes, sir." He stepped out from the home after setting the bags in his hands to the floor.

"Speak, Emiko." Her nose flared at his cool yet indifferent tone. She felt almost offended by the order.

"Am I a dog to you now?" She asked coldly as she stared up at the solid yet colorless eyes. Arima's glare seemed to harden as he crossed his arms at her tone.

"You have an issue with something, now speak." She felt like spitting.

"You're making me live with that... That insane man?! Are you kidding me, dad?" His hard eyes were unchanging at her cry that bordered a tantrum.

"Emiko you are behaving like a child and that does not suit me whatsoever." He glowered and her anger did not relent at the sight if anything it increased.

"Suits you? What kind of bullshit do you pressure me into, Arima?" She argued with a swear that left a bad taste in her mouth at the feeling of cursing at her guardian. But she watched the expression of his face carefully.

"Watch your tongue, Emiko." He snapped lowly and she almost flinched at the hot whip feeling she felt across her face. But she was never touched.


Emiko did not doubt the fact that Arima would never lay a hand on her and Arima refused to ever stoop so low.

She was quiet with dark eyes that prodded and pierced the man, telling him of his awful idea and blind intuition. A smoldering air surrounding her as Arima acted like the outburst never happened. He told Shinohara that he could proceed with Juuzou's things and ignored Emiko. She found the hot anger filling her chest and numbing before watching the source of her distress enter the room.

Seeing his face caused the image from the file to flash in her mind with a pang of guilt that strummed her deep inside.


We are nothing alike...

She hissed inside her thoughts as she watched the small tired smile etch on to his face.

My supposed replacement being forced onto me...

Bitterness filled her thoughts and she swallowed as she watched him walk into her spare bedroom. She saw his pale skin, white hair, and small tired face that displayed an incomprehensible distress and unhingement. She recalled the readings and found herself with imagery of his inflictions caused by the hand of another. The torture and agony inflicted on his identity that changed who he was completely . But then his hair darkened and lengthened, his eyes became darker and his face feminine. Suddenly he was being pinned with blades and pierced until nothing was left but a cold aching numbness. It took her far too long to notice that the vision was no longer Juuzou and she snarled in her mind, reminding herself that they were not the same.

She found her hands trailing up her arms, not even having to look to see that faint scars (and not so faint ones) covered her skin. She did not know she was having company and found herself in a tank top that covered nothing. Her irritation caused her to forget her exposure and she felt fury tap her throat at the memory of the smile Juuzou wore when he walked past and saw her. Her hands balled as she glared at the white-haired man in her living room who eyed her silently. He held an expression of ice that was no longer cold but warm, though it did not drip. He was not melted but was only softened a bit.

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