Chapter 16

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The loud bang of the door falling off its hinges alerted the two in the household. The loud slam causing Emiko to flinch harshly.

Juuzou was on his feet with little to no hindrance and held a blade loosely between his fingers. Though he appeared to be alert and sharp, the low riding smile on his face exposed his true feelings. Unlike the woman who stood stiffly behind him, not an ounce of worry or concern adorned his doll like features. The way he cracked his neck and even spared some teeth behind his pale lipped smile displayed that he itched for this altercation more than anything.

There will be an altercation most definitely.

Because of all places this person broke in, anywhere near Emiko was a piss poor choice.

His eyes playfully watched the hooded figures enter the doorway and invade the living room space. Juuzou was angry that the two were brave enough to do such a thing but his anger appeared differently from a haughty attitude. It showed in the absolute malice that dripped from his being as he pondered how he would settle their fates. The intent to kill that danced behind his glowing vermillion gaze.

"Think you've got the wrong house." He offered with amusement lacing his sing song voice. Juuzou knew the two heads under the dark cloaks came into this home with intention. An intention he was preparing to rectify. Because he did not have to turn around to see how tense with anxiety Emiko was. The fact that they scared her even if only a bit while having the plan to hurt her was plenty to validate Juuzou's reasonings to spill blood.

One of the heads removed his hood and revealed a tanned face that was cut with a sly smirk. His eyes hooded and mannerisms seemed brazen.

Juuzou grinned to himself as he pondered how arrogant the ghoul came off. Overconfidence and smugness were his favorites. Opponents like this made it easier to fall into the malicious thoughts that carved into his mind. The plague of violence that shrieked viciously in his head.

Juuzou watched the tanned finger point at the dark haired doll that stood behind his figure. It was what edged his flexed fingers but he still threw a look behind him to see the coffee ground eyes that stared back. He saw the stark panic that stood far more apparent than the strength behind her scowl. He found a scared little girl in those orbs and his teeth chewed harshly into the skin of his lip.

She's scared. She's scared. They scare her.

The words mumbled numbly in his heavy mind.


Crimson met cocoa and suddenly it was like the intruders were not there. A moment that was not even five seconds felt like five minutes between the two. For a second after gazing into those brown smoldering eyes, he remembered the way his lips fit onto her small soft ones. The way his heart stuttered for the first time and the way that rocking feeling settled inside. A deep but rich shade of brown in those eyes. He had decided that a piece of chocolate would be the first thing he sunk his teeth into.

"Protect me."

My Emi! Of course I would protect you.

He was warm inside and that rocking feeling filled his senses. But with it was something that made him feel a little more strong than his usual. Hearing Emiko trust him to protect her made him feel almost invincible. Like nothing could touch him when he would kill someone who even looked at her wrong.

Kill for her? Spill blood for her? Without a second thought.

He shot a bright playful grin with shut eyes before opening them to meet her gaze. The color of chocolate swirled more confidently with his compliance to keep her safe.

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