Chapter 2

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Emiko sipped the hot brown liquid as her phone waited for the one on the other line to press answer. Her eyes traveled around the café as she waited slightly irritated.

He has no life, so why wouldn't he be able to answer the phone?

She asked herself dryly before hearing him pick up.

"Hello Emiko."

"When did I become a therapist?" She asked blankly and was not smiling when he chuckled deeply in his croaky yet husked tone.

"Well you are in school to be." The man answered her question before she heard creaks in springs and the popping of bones. "At least I think that's what I'm paying for.."

"Well I'm not certified, old man." She snapped before rubbing her eyes once she sat down the small cup. She had forgot to get her medication and it's been two days without it.

"Have you been taking you medicine?" She did not respond as she drank her hot liquid, feeling completely exhausted and irritable. "I will leave it at your apartment, you need to be more responsible." His tone scolding and causing her to roll her eyes.

"You need to stop spending nights in your office." Before he could retort, she immediately hung up with a content smile. She felt accomplished and beating Arima made her smirk in victory.

She glanced up at the sound of the bells ringing above the café doors and watched as the rag doll boy's eyes found her.

She took in the fact that he seemed no where near a vibrant as yesterday. His steps held no bounce and his eyes were dull and agitated. He seemed blank almost.

"Good morning."

"I don't need therapy." His tone made her eyes widen. It seemed sharp almost. As if the words weren't quite mean't to cut but rather to prick.

You're right... I'm thinking medicating you is the best option.

She mentally grumbled but instead offered a tight smile and gesturing for him to sit.

"Juuzou Suzuya, right?" She asked and rolled her eyes when she got no response. She looked at him, taking in his appearance while subconsciously chewing her lip.

His bags grew darker beneath his crimson eyes and his lip where the stitches were placed was red and seemed on the brink of bleeding. It seemed he had been tugging on it...

Nervous habit.

"Could you please stop staring at me, Emiko?" The way he said her name made her stiffen and her heart pound. It was a sickeningly sweet tone up until her name. He spat her name like it was a threat and she knew she should not push it.

"Would you like something from the café, Suzuya?" Emiko asked trying not to display her nerves.

Juuzou shook his head and she nodded understanding that neither of them genuinely wanted to be here.

"Wanna play a game?" He glanced at her and Emiko stiffened at how dark his red eyes had became but much to her relief he agreed, but he seemed reluctant.

"Mino!" Emiko called. "Can I get some Brigadeiros?" The pink haired waitress nodded and rushed to complete the order. Juuzou looked at Emiko with brighter and curious eyes.

"It's a foreign sweet that they make colorful, it's like balls of chocolate on a stick." Emiko explained and could see the interest in his eyes.

Mind as well get sweets if we're not going to get anything done...

Emiko repressed a scowl as she looked up at Juuzou who tugged mindlessly at his red stitches on his lip but he remained tense. He did not seem angry or bitter, now that she thought about it. He just seemed tired and anxious... But for what?

Identity Disorder {A Juuzou Suzuya Story} Where stories live. Discover now