Chapter 3

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"Here for Arima, Emiko?" She smiled fakely at Seidou who only seemed a bit too eager to see her.

"Mind finding him, Mr. Takizawa?" She asked, well aware that he would do it out of some odd infatuation he had with her.

The day she learned about it was when she was walking with Arima and the clumsy man dropped his papers. So she had squated down to help him collect his things and when he looked up from the mess and met her gaze, he had flushed immediately.

She was confused about his dreamy expression as she continued to stand and held him his things. She looked up at Arima for help on what had just happened, only to see a smirk on his face.

"Th-Thank you Emiko!" The man bowed his head to her, causing her to blink in even more confusion.

"Y-You're welcome?" She furrowed her brows as she kept glancing at Arima who only seemed amused.

"S-Special Class G-Ghoul I-Investigator Kishou A-Arima?!" But when she looked back at the white haired man beside her, he wore a small scowl instead of his original smirk.

Just as every time she speaks to the auburn male, his face flushed and flustered at the sound of her voice and the sight of her face.

He nodded quickly at her question before disappearing to do so. She glanced around the CCG and caught sight of Amon waving at her causing her to gently return it.

Amon honestly annoyed her but she liked his heart. The fact that something so determined was alive in such a world where she's witnessed so much evil... It made her feel honored to be able to live in a time with such a heart.

"I found him, Emiko!" He announced, only to flush when everyone's gaze fell on him due to his disruption. Arima only seemed to roll his eyes before keeping them on Emiko.

"Nice to see you out of a book." She rolled her eyes at the man's comment before noticing that he was staring at Seidou. He cleared his throat and she watched Seidou immediately bow before scurrying away.

She rose an eyebrow at the chuckling man beside her.

"I'm not sure if I am irritated about how badly he has a crush on you, or if I'm thoroughly amused." The words made Emiko start on her way toward the exit of the CCG building.

"Don't go all protective on me, old man." She muttered, only to hear another chuckle fall from the pale haired man's lips.

The two walked on the sidewalks next to the streets and shops, seeming unbothered by anyone's presence.

"So what made you take a break from your job for me? Oh, sorry, I mean your life and your lover." Emiko's teases fell from her lips in a drawled tone and the white haired man have seemed to grow used to the girl's remarks or comments about his work. It did dominated most of his time... And thoughts when Emiko wasn't in them.

"You seemed to be growing bored and lonely." He responded, barely looking at the girl as he spoke with a monotone. Even though his empty tone said he was not judging her for feeling such an emotion, she couldn't help but feel embarassed or ashamed. But she refused to show she felt it.

"I thought that was why you threw a murderous Suzuya at me." Her dry tone drawled and the man gave a small smirk at the seemingly impassive dark haired girl at his side.

"I just happened to mention you when they were discussing his aggression." Arima explained in his usual calm yet monotoned tone that made Emiko glare at him.

"There are plenty of therapist out there, and somehow a college student seemed appealing?" She questioned and it made Arima smirk at how worked up she was getting. It was rare to see the girl be properly angry, even building up to it was a rarity. Her face was flushed and her lips pouted, causing the ghoul investigator to chuckle inwardly. She's such a child.

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