Chapter 8

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She eyed the manilla folder in hesitation, not even pretending to mind her food anymore.

She was curious.

She wanted to know the contents of the folder, she wanted to know everything so badly.

But it made her nauceous as she thought about the possibilities.

What could possibly be inside of it and who Juuzou could be...

She feared anything that could have to do with the crimson eyed man and it made her sick to her stomach.

She wondered when exactly she ever began to feel fear and the answer was not as simple as the person who started this all.


Goosebumps trailed her body as she pulled the folder from her bag, it didn't look any different from a regular folder.

She looked at the tab and ran a finger along the material, finding that the name was as strange as the person who was in the file.

"Rei.." The name was like lead on her tongue and she pursed her lips before opening the file.

Inside, was a picture of a missing person image. It had a white haired boy with the word missing stamped in large bold letters. Admittingly, the boy was adorable to the coffee eyed girl.

He had a small face with large red eyes, his mouth was twisted into a bright smile and his hair fell lightly on his head. He wore a light blue shirt and his skin was a pale shade but not quite as sickly as it looked currently.

She rubbed the photo with her thumb before setting it to the side to see reports and images that were faced down. She reached for a paper and eyed it as she read the formal apathetic writing.

Despite his childish and playful demeanor, he is also extremely violent and highly disturbed. He describes his killing methods to be clean, without needless movements, which is a skill he seems to take pride in. He shows no hesitation to kill someone.

"Disturbed is a rather large understatement..." Emiko muttered her thoughts as she read a member's response toward examining and observing Juuzou.

He was blamed for the killings of multiple animals during his time being trained by the CCG.

Raising an eyebrow, she dwelled on whether it really sounded like Juuzou to mutilate and kill animals.

Emiko flipped a photo over and chewed her lip as an image of a disfigured cat with a twisted neck. Other angles and different cats were in little pictures.

She thought back to during their walk to the CCG, Juuzou seemed elated to be around nature. Even having a conversation with a bird that just so happened to land on his shoulder.

She shrugged her heartbeat off and ignored the words she read on the crime he didn't commit.

Flipping a page, she felt ice in her veins as a picture remained clipped to a report.

It was of Juuzou, but he had a smaller face with shorter, choppier hair. A black bell choker was wrapped around his sickly pale neck and he was in a hospital bed. It was a check on the physical harm caused to his body and what it displayed was a series of scars and deep cuts. They looked horrifyingly painful and some even fresh.

Juuzou seemed to be out cold in the picture as his head was lolled back, however for the rear picture, he seemed to be almost angry. His head was forced to the side and he was held and strapped down.

He looked like he was going to snap at their prodding and Emiko swallowed as she understood what was going through his mind in the image.

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