Chapter 10

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"I had no one to play with this morning! So boring~"

Juuzou complained to the dark-haired girl with an exasperated expression while they walked down the sidewalk.

"Some of us have responsibilities outside of eating sweets and avoiding meetings." Emiko snapped back in an annoyed tone. She resisted the urge to throw her eyes into the back of her skull at all the whining the white-haired man did.

"I have responsibilities too! But I am not as boring as you EmiEmi! So dry!~ I miss how much more fun you used to be before you got hurt." A small heat rested in her cheeks and she felt the annoyance pool. The memories of her managing to get hurt so often becoming an embarrassment. It made her feel weak and fragile when she tried to be made of stone.

"You seem so easy to agitate too, Emi! You used to constantly be aggravated before but at least you would do something about it."

Juuzou's nitpicking in such an outward manner picked at her bones in a way that did not hurt but pissed her off bit by bit. She knew he was trying to drag out a reaction from her and the way his dark crimson eyes twinkled teasingly at her. What made it worse was the fact that his low mocking grin showed he was not even hiding his attempt at dragging out her anger. The brown-eyed girl knew better than to let Juuzou under her skin and she kept having to repeat that she would not let him many times in her head. But even while chanting the command to herself, she could help but feel the slow ticking inside of her mind. Her hand flexed in her pocket and she swallowed quietly.

"There is nothing wrong with not being volatile and aggressive, Juuzou." She emphasized his name with a click of her tongue and he blew a raspberry in response. Her eyes almost rolled into the back of her head with how badly she wanted to choke him but she tried to be the level-headed one as much as she could.

"That's where you are wrong!" He laughed and grabbed her hand with a yank toward his lanky body. Her bones locked up in pain and ignored the throb of soreness. His pull was not gentle like she was human. His pull was like she was nothing but a rag doll and she knew she was not going to be able to eat that kind of anger.

"What are you doing?" She barked at the white-haired man. He laughing loudly before ignoring and spinning her around whimsically. The lack of response caused her to grind her teeth and lock her jaw.

"You are so wrong. It made you so fun and unlike the rest of these boring people. It was the only reason I considered giving you a chance EmiEmi!" He sang happily and Emiko felt her bones fill with ice suddenly.

She knew he had to have thought about killing her at least twice since she met him. Emiko knew deep down whatever he saw in her that first day was enough to lean him away from wanting her dead.

Not that she felt Juuzou meets and kills people he hardly knows.

There was just something thick and pricking in his gaze that day he laid eyes on her without a chain on his neck. Something she saw every once in a while with him in her home. Every couple of nights she would hear the sound of his footsteps and when he would realize she was awake, he would laugh it off.

It gave her the fucking creeps.

How do you live with someone who you wonder what made them not kill you?

"Wake up Emi!" Juuzou grinned widely as he watched her amber eyes perk up. He released the girl and started bouncing toward Emiko's complex once more.

She blinked a few times in an attempt to get out of her head before sighing in annoyance. He skipped happily and his stride broke only once Emiko grabbed his hand and tugged him back. The action caused him to laugh playfully.

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