Chapter 19

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The thirst I preserve inside for dark haired Juuzou is honestly at feral levels. These last two chapters are perverted but it's more because chapter 20 will be the end of the book. To smut or not smut, no idea but Identity Disorder is almost over :(

*also do I get brownie points for updating twice in a month?

"I like you!"

Head cocked and expressionless, he answered Emiko's question as if it was simple as breathing. Her curtain of dark hair surrounded them as her coffee gaze stare into his own. The warm dim light casted a soft glow on the two as the roar of desire grew quieter.

Emiko admittedly was not a commonly sentimental person. She rarely expressed the full extent of was she felt, even with her own father. Cracks in her behavior only ever seen when centering around the stitched man beneath her. Emiko could not explain it but anything revolving Juuzou caused her to lose the reigns on her emotions.

Even now, sitting on his lap with hands holding herself up, her feelings crawled out of her without her own consent. She craved the ability to pull it all together. But instead she could only feel the warmth between her and Juuzou. Emiko tried to be angry and cold but only found them closer than before.

But she knew she was in trouble. She cursed not only Juuzou's name but her own because the three simple words he spoke gave her butterflies. Her face flushed and her heart skipped a beat off of such childish words. Emiko felt pathetic and almost appalled that it was so easy for Juuzou to tug her feelings from under her.

"You like me? Like as a friend?"

She watched Juuzou frown quietly and chew on his bottom lip. He seemed to pause to think before answering her question.

"I don't think so! I don't have the same feelings right now as I would with Mr. Shinohara or animals." Juuzou's face scrunched before he shot the dark haired woman a grin. He remembered that she was still on top of him and the reminder was enough to light up his face. Her figure leaned over his own and body so close to his brightened his grin.

"What feelings are you experiencing right now?"

The white haired man stared puzzled at Emiko as he pondered what she meant by the question. His hand had moved from her thigh to put a finger at his lip ponderously.

"Sleepy... Maybe a little hungry!"

Emiko shot a deadpanned expression at Juuzou before attempting to crawl off his lap, stiffening when his hands shot out to keep her in a sitting position on top of him. Her questioning gaze was answered with a bright grin.

"I like you where you are, Emi! Don't move."

The smallest hue of flush touched his skin and the sight was enough to still her. She felt the conversation would be so much smoother and easier if her hormones were not out of control. But like always, it bothered her that it was usually anything surrounding Juuzou that caused her to lose her grip on everything she learned.

"If I could describe the way I feel, it feels like lightning shocks me when we kiss! When we fight, it's like I'm flying and there's this warm rocking in my stomach. My favorite is when you blush so pretty!"

Face and ears filled with scarlet, Emiko felt her heart pound wildly in her chest. It was annoying how much such silly simple words affected her and she tried so hard to hold her cool and cold composure. But with the way his crimson eyes danced and his sharp grin carved at her, she struggled.

"You must really like it when I call you pretty." Juuzou practically purred under her and Emiko could only grimace. For someone who she assumed was so inexperienced, Juuzou flirted quite a bit. But whether or not he knew what he was doing was over her head. She just knew the flame that licked inside of her splashed hotly.

Identity Disorder {A Juuzou Suzuya Story} Where stories live. Discover now