Chapter 5: Gone

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A young lady sat in a field filled with radiant blue flowers. She stared at the sky and her lips formed into a wistful frown. In contrast, the sky was rich in sunlight and a clear-blue. The light directed on her in such a way that her long blue hair shined along with her eyes.

Her appearance concluded that she was quite young and beautiful. If one would take an estimated guess, she would be in a range of seventeen-to-eighteen. Next to her, stood a charming young man by looks alone.

The young man gazed at her with the same sullen expression. Sadness was painted on the canvas called their eyes. However, he couldn't let this emotion roam any further.

"Come on, let's go," he said softly and in an almost gentle manner. He spoke as if she would break if he spoke any louder.

In truth, that may be the reason why he used such a tender tone. He feared his fragile friend would breakdown if he spoke too harshly. He was afraid he would say the wrong thing, while she was in this sensitive state.

The young lady said nothing; she didn't have anything to say. Looking over her shoulder, she met his gaze.

He extended a hand for her to take and that she did. Only then did she speak.

"Thanks. Let's go."

"Where are you taking me?" He finally questioned.

The dim, transparent, light morphed into the form of a man. He had avoided the question for long enough.

Being led in the dark streets of Karakura Town wasn't ideal; Akemi would admit that. Albeit, being led through alleyways in the night and adding on, he was a seemingly helpless five year old.

It was an ominous situation, which screamed red flags.

"We're almost there," he replied.

"That was not an answer to my question. Is there something wrong with your ears?"

"That's harsh!" The ghost exclaimed, offended by the little kid's words. More than anything, the tone Akemi used offended him the most. As the boy heard the ghost's rambling, he managed to block out the irrelevant things he was spouting. The ghost caught onto his uninterested stare at the wall behind him. It made the man's non-existent blood boil.

This was outraging!

Thinking through his time 'haunting' Akemi, the boy was polite. He spoke formally and respectfully to his elders. Through the ghosts observations, he concluded Akemi was reserved and quiet. Although he was occasionally blunt - especially with children close to his age group.

But this boy was being outright rude and ignoring him whenever he tried to make conversation!

What did he ever do to deserve such treatment!?

You know, besides trying to get his attention via following him, teasing-slash-mocking him and overstepping his privacy with the excuse of being among the non-living. Yeah, he followed the kid everywhere. And he might have encouraged other souls to bother him in his school and in local areas. School 'haunting' was a failure though.

Reminiscing back to everything, maybe the boy had some solid reasons for acting the way he is.


It was rude and a ghost has feelings. He was furious with the way he was being treated.

Is that so wrong?

Akemi stopped in his tracks; a wave of a familiar sensation lingered in the air. It kept on swirling around him and surrounding numerous things - including him. It felt strange - even more so when he tried to focus on the energy inside of him too. His lips parted in his daze.

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