Part Quatro

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"Sorry that Michael made a refrence to eating you. And sorry that Calum asked if your boobs were real and Sorry Ashton tried to describe his balls to you" Luke apologized. "Its Ok." I smiled."So what do you want to eat?" He asked. I thought for a while."Pizza i guess" i shrugged."Cool I'll text the boys" he said. As we pulled into the parking lot for Pizza hut Luke whipped out his phone. Everytime he would type look at me blush then type again. It was like a pattern. "Whats wrong?" I asked trying to look at his phone. "Huh? Oh nothing the guys are being assholes and saying stuff" he said. "What kind of stuff? Mean stuff....about me? " i asked feeling self conscious. "No just very.....innapropriate things about you and i." Luke said blushing and locking his phone. I smiled. He opened my door for me and held out his hand to help me get out the car. We wound up ordering 3 large pizzas. One Hawaiian one pepperoni and one just plain cheese."So are you staying over my house tonight?" Luke beamed.

"Huh?" I asked confused. "Like since i stayed over your place would you like to stay over mine?" Luke urged. I actually liked hanging out with Luke even if he is extremely hot and makes me sweat like a nasty pig."Uh sure i guess ill just text Thomas to feed minnie." I say."Yes!" Luke jumped. "Oh i mean cool" he then shrugged and tried to play it off. I laughed a little as he blushed feeling embarressed at his outburst."PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA!" Michael shouted running down the hall and snatching the 2 boxes away from me.Calum came down and stole the 3rd from Luke."Im guessing they like pizza?" I smirked."A lot " he nodded as we walked into his apartment.

They guys had tidied up a bit leaving me surprised because they seemed content with ther filth."We cleaned up a little because we heard you were staying over" Calum smiled."Yea and I also rented some Crazy horrors to watch tonight while we eat pizza and snacks and drink sodas" Michael smiled."You fucking idiot girls dont like horrors! They like disney an chick flicks!" Ashton yelled at Michael hitting him in the Arm."Sorry Mackenzie. " Michael pouted. "No it's fine im cool with watching horrors and please call me Mac" i smiled faintly. "Its Ok Mac if you get scared i'll be here to protect you" Ashton winked.

Luke coughed loudly indicating he didnt like Ashtons comments. "Sorry!" Ashton stomped walking into the kitchen. "I'll be here ro protect you forealsies Mac if you get scared. Im the toughest and you knew me first!" Luke said defensively. I blushed and nodded.Luke's friends arent all that bad to be honest. I find them quite humorous and Amusing. I also find it really cute when Luke gets jealous. We all settled down for the movie snacks and soda everywhere. They even brought out some strawberry Vodka and Orange juice incase anyone wants to be risky. I definitely want to be risky. Somehow we all managed onto the couch. Luke was on the edge of the left side. I sat on him after much debate with my back against the arm rest.Then Mikey was next to us my short legs stretched over his lap (with his permission of course) then Calum and Ashton.

We watched the Woman in black. As the movie progressed Luke pulled me closer."You scared yet?" He whispered."No not really.Are you?" I asked eyes still glued on the movie."Im scared that you wont get scared then i cant hold your hand" He said. I blushed. It was to dark for him to see though.Then the part came up were the hallway started gradually getting dark and the woman screeched in the guys  face. I was absolutely mortified. I jumped a little but no scream. I didnt want to embarrass myself. "You scared?" Luke asked again."Just a little bit" I said biting my lip.He chuckled.

"Its Ok Mac no Lady in black is gonna get you "he smiled. He intertwined his hand with mines making my heart skip a beat. With every frightening moment i squeezed his hand and he continued to hold on. I had finally finished my cup of Strawberry vodka mixed with Cranberry juice and eated 4 slices if pizza. I also finished a pack of jumbo gummy bears and a sprite.The movie finally ended and Luke's hand was still intertwined with mine."Anybody else tired?" Calum asked stretching and landing his hand on my shoulder. "You get scared so your little Lukey could cuddle you?" He asked in a mocking tone."No" i said.

"Im going to bed goodnight " Ashton said leaving the living room. "So you two gonna cuddle up in Luke's bed and whisper sweet nothings into each others ears?" Michael laughed."Luke will be whispering something he mumbles himself to sleep" Calum laughed. I wouldn't know because when Luke slept over my house i was long sleep before he moved to thevsame end as me. "Go to bed" Luke said throwing Popcorn at the two. They made kissy noises as they went their seperate ways.

I followed Luke like a lost puppy to his room."I forgot. You don't have pajamas." Luke said facepalming his face harder than he should have. I rubbed his face awkwardly feeling bad for his now red face."Are you Ok?" I asked."I am now that your touching me" he grinned like a doofus."Here you can wear this." He smiled. He threw me some Ninja turtle pajama pants and a faded  Greenday tee.Ill go change in the bathroom you can change in here. Calum is probably in tge bathroom anyway talking to his hair like he always does before bed." Luke smiled. He left the room. I put on his pants and shirt which were surprisingly comfy.Although me only being a stunning 4'11 and him at least a whopping 6'3 his pants dragged the floor. I couldn't help but trip around. Also his shirt was really baggy. He had broad shoulders and what seemed to be a great body shape. I had weird curves and boobs that dont properly fit the shirt.

He knocked at his door."Are you dressed? "He asked."Yea" i say. He opened the door slowly. He had on a Ninja turtle faded shirt and some smiley face pajama pants.He looked adorable. "You look so funny in my clothes" he laughed. "Well im only 4'11 and your like 6'3" i say. "Im actually 6'4" he laughed. I flailed ny arms."Your still taller than me i look like a elf playing dress up in Santa's clothes " i huffed plopping on the bed."At least you look cute while doing it" he winked.

I started to crawl towards the bottom of the bed."Where you going Mac? Lay up here with me. I can handle it im a big boy " he said patting beside him. I hesitantly crawled back up the top. He turned off the light and turned to face me. For minutes we sat there in silence just staring at each other with blank expressions. Every once in a while Luke would crack a smile causing me to hide my face in the covers until we went back to being emotionless Zombies. "What?!" I finally say after Luke smiled. "Nothing! We are just staring at each other and every time i look directly into your eyes i get nervous. I smile a lot when im nervous " he laughed blushing.

I giggled.He admits a lot of weird stuff to me. I kinda like how open he is."I want to Cuddle you" he said."What?" I laughed hiding my face in the covers again."I want to cuddle you. Like really bad " he said. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed one hand in his chest and the the other curled up against my lip. It was quiet except for the light breathing i heard from Luke.He then started to mumble. Just like Calum said he would.I didnt catch everything but what i did hear was this: I like you a lot Mackenzie Joanna Elton. I hope you know that. Your the best thing that ever happened to me since penguins.Please dont walk out of my life....Please

I smiled to myself my cheeks getting hot. I then replied quietly to myself "I won't Luke. I won't "

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