Part siete

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Kayla pulled into a empty lot and slammed her head against the horn for a nice 6 minutes ."Are you ok?" I asked. "Is it true?  Michael was inviting you in his room and making sexual jokes to you?" She asked sounding muffled. She never lifted her head. I said nothing. "It is isnt it?" She said. She looked at me. Her eyes red and makeup running."I should have known. I told my Nana this was gonna happen. I knew As soon as Michael left he was gonna forget i ever existed." I she huffed. "Kayla im pretty sure he didnt forget all about you. Ashton may be over exaggerating " i say. "Ashton and I fight all the time. That's nothing new. When we fight he always tells everything about everyone. I just cant get over that Michael was slowly erasing me from his memories.Mac he came to my Nana's house 3am and he promised me he would call everyday and NEVER forget about me. We made a aggreemant he signed it. And to top it off we doused it with our blood. I still have the scar. because im that in love with him that if he asked me to bleed on a paper i would. If he called me right now even after this and told me to skydive with him......i would " She sobbed.

"What if.....what if he asked you something bizarre?" I questioned. Wanting to see if this was in the heat of the moment or of she genuinely loved Michael. "Bizzare like what?" She sniffled."Like.....what if he asked you something unspeakable unforgivable. Like to.......kill yourself.....would you really do it?" I asked. Kayla looked at me. Her deep hazel eyes peircing my skin. Even with her eyes glassy and make up running her stare still made my blood run cold. She nodded slowly. "I would." She croaked. "Wow" i say. "I would do anything for him Mac anything" Kayla said."Dont cry. Michael was so anxious for you to get her so you can spend time together. If you love him so much why aren't you with him right now? Why arent you spending time with Michael " i say."Because... " she started. "What? Because. ASHTON made you upset? I dont know much but Ashton seems like he really gets under your skin." I say."He does he just makes my blood boil. He's so mean to all of the guys and me. Hes vulgar insensitive and just a plain dick! " Kayla spat. "I think we shoudk go back to the apartment and Sort things out." I say."We should. But im not talking to Michael right now. I need to get pass the fact that he.....forgot me" she said. I nodded. We arrived back at the apartment. Michael was in the lobby waiting for Kayla."Kayla listen to me" he tried. Kayla and I just brushed past.He tried to keep up but Kayla and i huffed through the halls quickly. She also shut the elevator doors before he could reach them. She  burst through the doors of the apartment. Everyone giving us stares.

"Look Kayla im-" "Save it Ashton. Your such a jerk to me. I never did anything to you" Kayla spat. The room was silent. Kayla marched over to Ashton. He stood up still a few feet taller than her. She smacked him leaving a red mark."Dont be a Bitch to me. Or ill be a Bitch to you. You don't want to get on my badside Ashton. Trust me. I will be completely different." Kayla said. He nodded. "I apologize " he said. "Cal and Luke Sorry i blew up at you guys you didnt really do anything " Kayla smiled. Sje hugged then both.  Just then Michael walked through the door."And you...." Kayla said. She walked over to him looking him straight in the eye."I can beleiveve you. Lying to my face. You promised me you would call every day. You never called. You promised me you wouldnt forget about me. You completely forgot about me." "Kayla-" "Kayla nothing Michael you made a deal! You signed a paper! " She yelled.She reached into her bag that was on the side of the couch and pulled out a small crumpled piece of paper."Look"  she said shoving it in his face."You lied to me. Right to my face.You Michael Gordon Clifford, are a fucking Liar! I hate Liars especially when it involves my feelings. Next time you speak to me make sure its the truth. Calum can i sleep in your room tonight? " Kayla asked."Yea sure" he said. With that Kayla walked off.

"Hey at least you didnt get smacked in the face for being a Bitch " Ashton said."She a liar and its all your fault Ashton. Now ill never have a chance with her...."Michael said. He walked in his room. "Mackenzie....can we" Luke said.He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room. I sat on the bed criss cross as he imitated me."So"  I smiled. "Mac i thought about what Ashton said about.....not making a move but i have and when i did you threw up and you said ot was because you havent eaten but i knew you were lying so i just wanted to there something....wrong with me?" Luke said."No nothing.  Luke i just have really bad anxiety. And your really hot and im just bleh and when you came close to me ibgpt got nervous and-" Luke cut me off smashing his lips against mine. We pulled apart."What a nice way of telling me to shut up" I smiled."I want to take you on a date. To the movies. Tomorrow ok?" He asked. I nodded."Anything you wanna comment on?" Luke asked. I shook my head no.I was speechless. I rubbed my fingers over my lips. Did Luke just.....steal my first kiss? "Sorry about kissing you. I wanna be your first......every thing. And i also wanna be your last" Luke smiled. I blushed heavily. "I could kiss you again.....and you could be ready for it" he smiled. "N-no its fine" i say. I got on my knees and crawled towards Luke.Maybe Ashton was right. I should take more risk. I layed my head on Lukes lap and he started to run his fingers through my hair. "Mac i will never forget you. Even if i wanted to i couldn't. Your what keeps me up at night. Your all i  ever think about all i can think about. Im fine with it though. I love that i think about you. I dont want to stop thinking about you. I will never stop thinking about you." Luke said. I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

That was the sweetest and cutest thing i ever heard."You dont have to respond to me. I know you dont talk much. Or work well in a situation like this. Your probably sleep although i hope not because not only am i pouring my heart out to a sleeping girl but because your laying on my crotch and im a extremely horomonal teenage boy with the girl i love laying on my crotch. Not the best combo Mac" Luke chuckled. He rested his hand on my head."Mac you-" he was cut off as the door opened."Luke do you- oh my god. Are you she giving, Luke lock your door why dont you!?" Calum yelled."No she's not! She's just laying down!" Luke yelled. I sat up confused. What was Calum thinking?"See look my pants are up zipped and belted! " Luke said. Thats when it hit me. He thought i was giving Luke a BlowJob."Luke just sit down bro your obviously aroused." Calum said. "Huh?" Luke asked looking. I covered my eyes embarrssed because of what i seen."Oh my god! Calum just....just go Mackenzie im gonna go put on my pajamas ok? Just stay here" Luke said rushing out. After we got into our Pjs Luke came back and layed beside me."Sorry about that awkward kinda....." Luke stuttered. "Yea i know......sorry, i mena its ok" i answered. "Hey at least you know it isnt smaller than a cashew" he winked. I coveres my mouth.

He laughed. "I could show you how big it really is but i won't because of many reasons" Luke blushed."Goodnight"  i croaked and turned over. He grabbed my waist  and pulled me close so that my back was pressed against his front."Goodnight Mackenzie " he whispered in my hear.

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