Part 17

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"Mac what are you doing?" Kayla sighed."Im texting Luke" I replied."Is he finally responding??" Kayla asked. "Well no" i sigh. "Come on Mac, you've been calling and texting Luke all week and he hasn't responded back yet, just give it a rest" Kayla said."But why isn't he responding to me, do you think he's ok? Maybe his phone is broken" i think. "Call one of the boys" Kayla suggested.

I wasn't gonna call Michael because Kayla would break down or Ashton because he's a jerk. I barely even talk to Calum so it would be weird to call. I guess he's the best option though. I dialed Calum and after 2 rings he picked up. "Mac thank God you called!" He said."Why? What's wrong?" I asked. "Everyone in here is so quiet and mean and bitter it's bumming me out. Mikey is mad at Ash and vice versa and Luke just mopes around the house, sometimes he leaves and i don't know " Calum explained.

"What's wrong with Luke?" I asked. "I dont know, maybe he misses you" Calum suggested." Misses me?! He won't even answer my texts or calls" i say angrily." I dont understand why, he's always staring at his phone....shit probably shouldn't have said that...." Calum responded. Wow I thought to myself. "Well If you want, you can come over and hang with me and Kayla for a while I'll invite my pal Thomas and we'll go from there" i say running a hand through my hair." OK fine, text me the address, anything to get out of this house" Calum said before hanging up.

I got up and stormed out the room slamming the door. I walked to the couch and put my head in my hands. "Woah, Mac what's wrong?' Kayla said following after me. "Luke's fucking ignoring me! What did I even do!" I yelled." Calm down Mac, you don't know that for sure" Kayla said biting her lip."yea I do ok! I just hung up with Calum and he says all Luke does is mope around and stare at his phone. If he's constantly staring at his phone then why can't he call or text me back!?" I snapped.

Kayla had no response " Fuck it, Calum and thomas are supposed to be coming over to hang, I'm not gonna let them see me upset. Especially not Thomas, he'll tell my brother and it won't end well. So I'm just gonna tidy up a bit and calm down" i say. "I guess I'll put on a shirt...." Kayla said awkwardly."That'd be nice" i laughed a little." Hey Mackenzie?" Kayla called out. "Yea?" I respond. "I was thinking.....we spend so much time together and are so compatible, why don't you just move in with me? I have a big place and it gets lonely." Kayla asked.

"You know, that's not a bad idea. I think we should do that" i agreed. "Great, you can get packed up whenever your ready and y'know sell this place" Kayla smiled. I nodded. A few hours passed and I got a call from Calum."Hey, where are you? It's 9:30!" I asked." Im home, the guys have me on lock down, if they're miserable I have to be too. Maybe I can sneak out tomorrow" Calum sighed. Poor Cal. "Its you know why Luke is ignoring me?" I blurted."No idea, don't take it personally Mac, I know he cares about you" Calum reassured. I sighed." Mkay, talk to up later " i say before hanging up.

"Well?" Kayla asked. "A no show, just like Thomas" i sighed." Would you forget about Luke?" Kayla sighed. "Would you forget about Michael?" I asked sarcastically. "Oh I am so over him" Kayla lied. "No you arent" i rolled my eyes. "I know. I love him so much " Kayla pretended to cry. "Drama Queen" i laughed. "Look there is gonna be a storm tonight right? And I'm terrified of storms so how about we take it down early and tomorrow we can start packing your stuff up?Maybe get some lunch and froyo?" Kayla suggested. "Sounds good" i nodded.

Kayla took off her shirt and started to get comfy in the bed. I couldn't sleep. Not this early....not at all. Luke was seriously ignoring me and I couldn't get over it.

Lukey pooky.

Me:Luke?-sent at 9:35

Me:Are you ignoring me??- Sent at 9:40

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