Part 14

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Thomas arrived on our 4th round of Charades. Kayla and I were trying to act out Jurassic Park. We all gathered around the table and began to eat dinner. "Mac, since everyone is here now you can formally introduce your friends, so there is no confusion on who is who" my mom suggested. I nod. "Well Luke, Kayla this is my Mom Jazmine and my Dad Samuel or sam, this is my sister Marcilene or Marci and her two twins Noah and Niomi whom i believe you met earlier, this is my brother Joshua aka Josh and his daughter Addie, this is my sister Maxine or Max and her twin boys Alex and Aiden, this is my sister Madison or Madi and her twin girls Bryanna and Bridget and this is Thomas my bestfriend, who Luke has met but Kayla has not and everyone else these are my friends Kayla and Luke" I say.

"What a pleasure to meet you guys" my dad flashed a friendly smile. "Yea, pleasure, so tell me how are we doing the sleeping arrangments?" Josh asked . I can tell he was trying to make Luke uncomfortable. "Well all the kiddos sleep down here and everyone else sleeps in their rooms however you divy that up as usual" Mom answered. "I say Tommy boy and Macs new friend, Luke sleep in the room with me. All the bros" Josh suggested. "If thats ok with the guys." My dad said. "Please Josh you hate people in your room, your just worried about your baby sister and her handsome new friend Luke " Madi laughed.

"He is quite handsome" my mom chuckled."Thanks Ma'm" Luke smiled."Dont worry Josh the guys a softie, Mac is still the virginiest virgin i know" Thomas laughed. "Oh come on Tommy" Max laughed. "Yea im sure its not that bad" Marci said. "I dont know, this guy isnt doing much of anything. He's just as bad as her" Thomas laughed. "Thats what you think" Kayla said quietly. I elbowed her. "Ooh shoving in seats 4 and 5 that means secrets, please do spill ms blueberry hair" Madi giggled like a school girl.

"Luke and i are right here you know!" i spat. "Oh so your gonna tell us all the juicy details?" Max asked. "Mom! Are you just gonna let them pick at me!?" i asked. "Im just as tell Kayla" my mom laughed." T-there is children around!" i say. "Ooh is it that scandalous!?" Marci asked shocked. I facepalmed. "Nah im just joking Mac and Luke are lame" Kayla plays it off. "Knew it" Thomas said grabbing another bread roll. "Josh you've been awfully quiet." Marci points out. "He's to busy thinking of the ways he can kill Mac's new boyfriend" Madi laughed. "Luke's not my boyfriend and Josh's temper is the the reason Luke will be sleeping in my room along with Kayla" i say getting up from the dinner table.

"Ooh" Thomas grinned. "And you shut up!" I say pointing to Thomas. "Is your family always like this?" Kayla asked following me. "Yup, is your phone always that busy?" i asked pointing to her constantly flashing phone. "Ugh its just Mikey he's been blowing me up" Kayla said. "Yea about that.....what exactly happened?" i asked. She took a deep breath.

"Well you see, Mikey and i were in the room and i was on his phone. So while im on there he gets a Dm on instagram from this girl namef Kady......

Kayla's Flashback.

"Umm Michael?" i say. "Yea?" he answered. Remember that girl i blocked off your account for spamming you with flirty emojis and Dming you shit?" i asked " yea Kady i remember, why." he asked. "Oh nothing im just wondering if since i blocked that bitch why and how is she sending you pics of her on insta!?" i yelled. "Calm down! I dont know ok?" he replied. "You dont know??! You have to know because clearly you unblocked her! Are you trading pics with her!?" i say getting upset. "No why would you even think that !?" he yelled. "Well, you unblocked her for a reason!" i say getting up. "I didnt unbl- I DONT EVEN KNOW HER!!" he said getting angry. "Your fucking lying!" i yelled. "HOW!?!?" he yelled back. "Because you remembered the bitch's name! I didnt say near not a name and you knew EXACTLY who I WAS TALKING ABOUT SEE YOUR LYING!!" i screamed.

"KAYLA CALM THE FUCK DOWN OK. YOUR STARTING THIS WHOLE BIG FUSS ABOUT NOTHING! EVEN IF I WAS TALKING TO THE GIRL HOW CAN YOU BE MAD!? YOUR NOT EVEN MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND YOU HAD NO RIGHTS BLOCKING HER IN THE FIRST PLACE. STOP BEING JEALOUS OF EVERY LITTLE FEMALE THAT SHOWS ME A BIT OF AFFECTION THEN WE WONT HAVE TO ARGUE!!!!!!" Mikey yelled." apparently im jealous of every female that shows you affection?" i say rehtorically. "No kayla....i didnt mean- " "shhh no Mikey your right. Im not your girlfriend. I need to quit being jealous of all the better options that come over it" i say done. I was hurt.

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