Chapter 14

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So the fair is the best time of the summer. But this year was different I was different. I had grown up a lot since the last fair, but I had no other choice. This year my pen for my lambs was next to Kyle. He was a friend I only talked to during the fair. Kyle was also one of my biggest competitors in the show ring. But I wasn't going to let that get in my head this year because I came here to show people that I am still here to win.  

"Let's go and find the rest of the family Hazel."

As we were walking around the fairgrounds I saw Ethan and Allison. They both made eye contact but not even a wave or smile from either one they just turned and walked away.  I wouldn't even think about seeing my daughter and not even wanting to come and say hi, but it's his loss, not mine.  

"Hey, you are almost done setting up the boards I need some help with putting myself up please," I asked my dad.

"Yeah give me one minute."

"Okay, sounds good thanks."

So I walked over to my pen to check on my lambs with Hazel asleep in her stroller. When I got there guess who was looking at my lambs but none other than Kyle. 

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Just looking at the losing lambs." He said with a laugh.

"In your dreams," I respond.

"Whatever we will find out on Friday. But how have you been this past year? I see a lot has changed for you." He said pointing to Hazel in her stroller. 

"Yeah, you could say that," I respond with a smirk on my face.

"So what's her name?"

"Hazel Grace."

"that's a cute name but, how did I not notice that at school?" he asked.

"That's a good question, I actually didn't know I was pregnant until I went into labor."

He looks at me with his mouth open. "I would close your mouth or you will catch flies," I say. "Oh sorry, but how do you not know you were pregnant until you went into labor?" He asked. " Well you see I was raped and didn't know I was raped until after she was born," I explain. again his mouth fell open. "Again how do you not know you got raped?" He asked. "Another good question, you see I was knocked unconscious and then a group of boys from school raped me. I then woke up in a hospital bed and I was told I fell down the stairs and then blacked out and that I would be fine, but they were so wrong." "I'd say they were wrong, but why did they lie to you in the first place I mean that is something really big that you should know about," I asked. "I have no idea why my parents thought it would be a good idea to lie to me but that is what they did and I can't change it so I just have to move on because I have a child to take care of now. so I can't think of myself I have to think of her more she is the most important thing in my life." I explained. "Wow you have really changed in a year but, I think it was for the better." "thank you- oh my what's wrong are you hungry Hazel let me get your bottle ready. Sorry but she comes first." "Yeah, no problem I understand we can talk later to catch up a little more." "Okay sounds good talk to you later." I say giving Hazel her bottle and watching him walk away.

"What's that all about?" my dad asks as he walks up.

"nothing we were catching up on things that have happened in the last year," I say nodding down at Hazel.

"Okay, whatever you say." My dad says with a smirk on his face.

"What is that supposed to mean," I ask.

"Well, you looked at him the way you looked at Ethan when you were together." 

"Whatever you say we are just friends okay."

"Okay just be careful because whatever happens here may not go any further."

"I know dad can you please just help me put up my board please so I can move on."

"Yeah okay. I just want my daughter and granddaughter to be safe."

"I know dad and I will be careful I promise."

We both smile and hug and move on to putting the boards up and making the pen look amazing.


So today is Friday show day. I wake up and get Hazel dressed and ready to go to the fairgrounds. When we get there we go and feed the lambs their food.

"Good Morning, you ready to lose tonight," Kyle says beside me. 

"Good morning to you and you are the ones who are going to be losing tonight," I say in response. 

"we'll see about that," he says with a smirk on his face. 

"I guess we will. Hazel and I have to go and get the lambs walking around and ready for the show tonight. Gook Luck." I say with a smile and wave. 

As we walk away I look back and see him smiling and laughing and thought to myself I could get used to seeing that smile and hearing that laugh every day. Then I shook my head and looked forward and reminded myself that I can't be in a relationship right now. right now I need to focus on Hazel and graduating high school. 

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