What are you?

978 9 1

Quick little chapter I'm hoping to finish before I go on a vacation with family

Italics are whispering

Miyako POV:

I wake up to the sound of rustling sheets. I open my eyes, and see Y/N get up and move in an almost trance like way.

Miyako: Y/N? What are you doing?

 He doesn't respond, and walks out, silently opening and closing the door. I shake Umbra awake. She yawns, stretches her arms and rubs her eyes.

Umbra: What do you- Wait, where's Y/N?

Miyako: That's why I woke you up. He got up and left, but the way he was moving was weird.

 This seems to peek Umbra's interest. The two of us throw on some clothes and Umbra teleports us to a shadow near Y/N. A faint red glow comes from his eyes. Umbra grabs his shoulder trying to get his attention, but he continues walking. He walks to the courtyard and flies up to a rooftop.


I hope I lost them. They can't find out about what's going on. I open a connection with Salem. I speak aloud slurring my speech slightly. She knows why I do this if I thought I was being followed.

Salem: How is the infiltration of Beacon going?

Y/N: Quite well, I've figured out a way to get into there.

Salem: Good. 

Y/N: When will they be coming?

Salem: Soon enough, the plan shall now move into phase two. You need to begin recruiting some of the student's to our cause.

Y/N: I understand.

I kneel, before thanking her right as I hear Umbra and Miyako come out from the shadow's where they were hiding. Thinking quickly, I fall limp, hitting the ground. Umbra begins shaking me.

Umbra: Y/N? Y/N are you okay?

I grip my head feigning a headache.

Y/N: Where am I? Umbra?

I look around, pretending to just now notice Miyako and the fact that I'm on the roof. I back away from the edge, acting panicked.

Miyako: Who were you talking to?

Y/N: I don't know! I don't even know how I got up here!

I pause briefly, as if pondering something; before replying.

Y/N: I must have been sleepwalking. Let's go back to the room.

Umbra's POV:

Y/N: I must have been sleepwalking. Let's go back to the room.

Something about that just didn't sit right. But he's right, we should head back. I'll ask him about that and his eyes glowing tomorrow. Y/N, what are you, who were you talking to, where do your allegiances lay? Do you side with Salem? Why do you- My train of thought get cut short.

Y/N: You good Beanie? 

Umbra: Yeah... I'm fine. Let's head back.

He picks the two of us up, and we head in through the open window.

Y/N: Night you two

Umbra/Miyako: Night Y/N



Onyxia Eyed Warrior (OP male reader x RWBY and FATE) (Temporarily on hold)Where stories live. Discover now