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A figure can be seen crawling out of one of the many Grimm pools in the Land of Darkness. A pair of red eyes burning with rage, hate, and malice can be seen through the Grimm liquid before they shift to a f/c (favorite color). As the Grimm liquid flows off the figure, a face can be seen; Y/N's face. A loud roar echos through the Land of Darkness and Y/N is seen slinking off into the shadows of Salem's castle.

Miyako's POV:

I glance at Alex, seeing him punch a tree, breaking the bark.

Alex: FUCKING HELL! I swear to Oum, next time I see Y/N!

Miyako: Best not to dwell on what happened, Alex. Focus on the here and now. We can't change the past, but we are in control of the present.

I wrap an arm around his shoulder, and he calms down slightly. Umbra pulls her cloak tighter around her, and looks off into the distance.

Umbra: I just can't fucking believe I didn't notice the signs!

Miyako: None of us did Umbra, not even Ozpin.

Umbra turns away at the mention of Ozpin, and I give Alex a concerned look. He shrugs, and I look back to Umbra.

Umbra: Did I ever tell you how I met Oz?

Alex: No

Umbra: Well, this was about 4 years ago.

Umbra's POV:


I run, firing the occasional shot at the Grimm manticore that's chasing me. I stumble for a fraction of a second, my foot catching on a root, but that's all the manticore needs to catch up. It slams me against a tree with its tail, knocking the wind out of me.

Umbra: Life is an abstract form of pain.

I say, letting out a strained laugh. I stand up and swing the Claw of Shadows, neatly separating it from its tail. The manticore roars in anger and pain, before swiping at me with it's claws. After about five swipes from the creature, my aura breaks and it moves in for the killing blow.

Umbra: Huh, guess I'm gonna die now.

I see a blur of green and see a man drive a cane into the manticore. I pull myself up off the ground using a tree to steady myself and fire into the manticore as the man with the cane continues striking it. It eventually goes down and I collapse.


Umbra: After that Oz and Glynda patched me up and trained me. The rest is history.

Alex: Is that why you froze when Y/n turned into a manticore Grimm?

Miyako nudges Alex, as if telling him to choose his words more carefully. I scratch the back of my head sheepishly.

Umbra: Yeah. Anyways we need to keep moving.

Miyako: Right!

The three of us begin walking again.

Umbra: Remind me where we're heading again.

Alex: *Le sigh* To find Team RWBY and JNR, join up with them, and kick Y/N and Salem's asses.

I hear the now familiar sound of Cresent Rose being fired.

Umbra: I think we just found them.

Miyako: *giggles* Noooo, you don't say.

We come out into a clearing and see a massive stone creature crumble apart and a Grimm leave it's body.

Umbra: Looks like we missed all the fun.

No one's POV:

In the depths of Salem's castle a lone figure with a white cloak is the only thing that stands out in their cage. A female voice comes out from the shadows. "Hello Summer Rose. Doing well in there?" Summer looks up seeing a female wearing all black. "Who the hell are you?" she asks, the figure clicks her tongue. "Really Summer?" A wave of blue runs down the females body, their features changing. They turn their face towards the light, revealing a familiar face. "Tch. I was hoping a new face would get you talking," Y/N says.

Author's note: Y/N can change his voice and looks, even allowing himself to appear female with the use of illusions. Also a short little chapter, running into writers block lmao. Id love to hear suggestions for what to do for the next chapter. Also, I suck, so I really need ideas on how to introduce other girls into the harem

Onyxia Eyed Warrior (OP male reader x RWBY and FATE) (Temporarily on hold)Where stories live. Discover now