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So... Um, I thought I should let you all know, come September, updates will become slower, as in person learning starts back up for me. You know, school starting back up, driver's training, and all that jazz. However, even with school starting back up, I'm going to shoot for updating once if not twice a month for the school year, and hopefully I'll be able to update more often when I'm on break. The biggest reason for the change in updates aside from school is my sleep schedule, which does lead back to school I guess. To be quite frank with yall, I'm usually up until around 3 AM just to get a few hundred words done, and that's led to me almost constantly being tired in my day to day life on top of contributing to writers block every now and then. But um yeah. I'm going to continue working on the current chapter and it should be out by Thursday or Friday. Thank you for all the support you all have given me, you don't know how much you reading this shitshow of a book means to me and I look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter.

Onyxia Eyed Warrior (OP male reader x RWBY and FATE) (Temporarily on hold)Where stories live. Discover now