Y/N's Current Abilities

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Grimm Control

Crystalline Body - Dust crystal sprout from your body, giving different effects for each crystal, however, you can only use 2 crystals at a time (For now) and you have to use opposite crystals (Fire and Ice, Earth and Lightning, ect.), you can also remove and detonate the dust crystals

Grimm Leech - Allows you to drain the aura of people you grab, allowing you temporary use of their semblance and allows you to heal your aura. Able to permanently gain someone's aura if you kill them with this ability (Able to hold onto aura using Aura Crypts to store aura in, effectively allowing you to use someone's semblance at any time provided you stored their aura in a Crypt) Also allows for "Perfecting" semblances from the aura that has been stolen.

 Precog - Allows you to see up to 3 seconds into the future

Eyes of Onyxia - Projects a suit of pitch black armor over the users body, reducing damage from silver eyes. Eye appearance when the eyes are active: Pure black, sclera, pupils, iris, everything

Nevermore Wings - Born with them and can hide them at will

Rift - Allows the creation of portals

Mind Strike - Allows the user to create illusions that severely hurt the target mentally

Chainer's Strike - Manifests a creature that is the worst fear of the target that will attack them mercilessly.

Magic - what it says

Corrupting Touch - Corrupts weapons that are in contact with Y/N, increasing their durability and power while exhibiting complete mastery of the weapon

Reformation - After his body's death, Y/N's body will reform back in the Land of Darkness

Darker than Night - Just look up Yami Yami no Mi from One Piece (Thanks to AlexFolsom for suggesting this ability)

Mantle of the Traitor King - Upon use of this ability Y/n's voice will begin to seed traitorous thoughts into the head of a target enemy that can hear his voice

Cursed Brand - Allows Y/N to take temporary control over whoever he branded with this ability. Also allows for Y/N to hear the target's ears and see from their eyes without their knowledge

Night's Bane - Y/N harnesses some of the souls in the blade to empower it and perform devastating blows

(This is what the Cursed Brand looks like. Image credit - Wizards of the Coast

 Image credit - Wizards of the Coast

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The next chapter is being worked on. IDK if it'll be out before school starts up again for me tho

Onyxia Eyed Warrior (OP male reader x RWBY and FATE) (Temporarily on hold)Where stories live. Discover now