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Author's Note to clarify how the Stitchwing transformation works: Basically, what happens is that the 'suit' comes out of the "host's" skin, creating basically a bodysuit around them (think Venom). This carries no change in the "host's" physical appearance as the 'suit' resides in their blood and skin; this means it's undetectable without testing skin or blood. Finally, the transformations effect on silver-eyed warriors; in short it slowly kills them. This is caused by a rejection between the purity of the silver eyes and the evil of Y/N. This on it's own slowly kills them, knocking a good 15-20 years off the host's lifespan; usig their ocular abilities only speeds up the process of their death.

Y/N's POV:

The few remaining Atleasian officers just have the thousand yard stare as they stare into open space

Zagreus: Ah, I see you have a mind break fetish.

Y/N: Pfffft no...  I merely love seeing the broken looks on their faces as they go limp like a puppet with their strings severed as though their entire perception of the world has just shattered and souls broken into thousands of tiny pieces as the mind cannot comprehend the violence and death in front of them...So, no, I don't have a mind break fetish, I just like killing people...

Zagreus: I see...

Y/N: Aaaaaaanyways. I had fun. 

Zag grins and nods. I walk out of the bar, firing a shot into the head of one of the frozen guards, their brain matter splattering over my shirt.

Y/N: Rude...

Zagreus: Um, Y/N? You might want to check your arm.

I look down at my arm to see it turning blue and transparent. This rapidly spreads up my arm and envelops my whole body, not giving me time to react. A blinding light engulfs me and a I hear what seems to be a girl's shout of confusion.

Y/N: Who in the HELL summoned me!? IMMA KILL YOU

I blink a few times after that declaration, my vision slowly clearing and revealing a child of all things, and Hercules. I turn directly to Hercules, completely ignoring the little girl.

Y/N: I thought I killed you.

I go to summon Night's Edge, only for Oblivion to form in its stead. I let out a chuckle... This is going to be fun.

???: How did-, who-

Y/N: Not now child, the adults are talking.

???: I'll have you know, I am not a child!

I do a spit-take upon hearing that. This little(?) girl is actually an adult!? What has this world come to?

Illiyasviel Von Einzbern - Credit: TYPE-MOON

Illiyasviel Von Einzbern - Credit: TYPE-MOON

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Onyxia Eyed Warrior (OP male reader x RWBY and FATE) (Temporarily on hold)Where stories live. Discover now