Chapter 8 - Sick?

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The next morning I woke up with Louis's arms around my small 4,9ft frame. I didn't want to wake up yet, so I snuggled further into his embrace. Unfortunately this woke him up and all the memories from last night came flooding back. I shot straight up and Louis chuckled at my reaction. Did I mention that his morning voice is hot? Cause it's so fucking hot. I slowly turned my head towards him and met his intense gaze.

"Last night we had...." I started, trailing off unable to say the word.

"Sex?" Louis finished for me. I nodded and looked at him shyly from under my long black lashes. He pulled me towards him and sat me on his lap so I was facing him, looking straight into his hypnotising orbs.

"I didn't regret Daisy, in fact I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asked and I noticed that he looked nervous, maybe even shy. I squealed and kissed him right on his mouth.

"I'll take that as a yes" He chuckled. I nodded vigorously and kissed him again.

We stayed in that position for a while before we decided it was time to get ready. It was a saturday and the dining room served breakfast until 12 on weekend so we had heaps of time. While we were getting ready I noticed that Harry wasn't in the room, he must've already gone down for breakfast.


Walking down to breakfast Louis came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, giggling a bit seemed to have gotten the boy's attention. Looking up at us from the table they beckoned us over. Walking up to them they asked us how our night was. From that question we both started to blush a bit but acted if nothing happened.

"Fine." Louis replied, kissing me on the temple and walking away to get some cereal.

"I see you two are a thing now?" Tom asked, smirking a bit. In fact all the boys started to smirk, making me look away giggling. Looking back at them I replied with a simple nod and sat down. Louis came back to a set of 4 smirking faces and an embarrassed me. Placing a bowl of cereal in front of me he looked around and nodded understanding what had just happened.

"I see they know now?" He asks me back with a smirk and raised eyebrow making my legs weak. I again, not wanting to speak just in case I nod.

A few minutes go by and I get a sudden Urge to throw up. Standing up suddenly and running away got all the boys' attention as well as the whole hall. Whispers and Murmurs started as Louis ran after me. Soon after I make it to the bathrooms Louis is right behind me holding up my hair as I throw up into the toilet seat.

"Wow, are you ok darling?" He asks me calmly, making me feel a little better.

"Yeah i think i am" I speak for the first time since the beginning of breakfast.

Standing up we return to the entrance of the bathrooms to see all the boys lined up with concerned looks on their faces.

"Are you ok?" "You alright" "you good" "you look unwell? Are you sure you're ok?" all the boys start pounding questions at me making me a little nervous and scared. Starting to tear up a bit they stop asking questions but the looks on their faces don't help so much. As I start to calm down I start to see little black dots making the boys, mainly Louis, more conceited from before.

Before I knew it I fell into Louis' arms and saw blackness.

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