Chapter 15 - Birth Of Jesus Christ

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a/n - sorry for the very very late chapter. My friend and i are back at school which is all online so we have been very busy as well as we have had writers block but we will try and keep up to date :)

Waking up from the night before i get a sudden pain in my lower admon. Running to the bathroom I instantly throw up into the toilet bowl. Hearing Louis run in after me he holds up my hair behind me and starts rubbing my back.

"Shhhh, your ok darling" he soothes me. Man hearing him call me darling just sets off something in my ear. I start to heat up. I'm never gonna *give you up* kidding. I'm never gonna get used to him calling me darling.

"I just- i just- i'm gonna- i'm gonna" i start to close my eyes wanting to pass out. I keep opening them trying to fight it.

"Just lay down darling" He whispers to me soothingly. Closing my eyes I fall into his arms while he slowly puts me onto the floor.


Waking up I see I'm laid down on a couch. Sitting straight up I feel a jab of pain in my stomach causing me to yell. That catches Louis' attention; he runs into the room and instantly helps me calm down. Looking down at my stomach it looks like it's about to explode.

"AHHHH, it hurtssssss" I whine laying my head on the top of the couch.

"It alright darling, we will have this baby and then everything can go back to normal, except we will have a baby to take care of, although i'm sure the boys will love her-"

"OMG please stop talking" i yell at him catching him of gard "sorry i didn't mean to i'm just in a lot of pain"

"S'alright darling" he says calmly.

"Alright, are we ready to have this baby?" A woman with brown locks walks into the room. I'm guessing that is Louis' mum.

"Mmmmm i guess?" whispering wanting to die in the moment.

"Ok darling i am Liz, i am louis' mum and i WILL get this baby out of you" She says very enthusiastically. HOW CAN SHE BE SO ENTHUSIASTIC??!??!?!! I"M ABOUT TO DIE!!

Starting to push I start to get a little dizzy. The Surroundings started to go Blurry and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as everything went black.


Waking up my head started pounding. Holding my forehead I sat up and realised where I was. Looking down I see my stomach is gone. No bump. Baby. Baby was born.

"LOUIS" I called out which was a terrible idea as my head just hurt even more. I heard the sound of feet running on the wooden floor and the next thing I know there is a 6 foot man standing in front of me with a worried and happy face.

"Hey." "You're ok" he whispered, kneeling down to my height and putting his hands on my knees giving me a small smile.

"Where is it?" I ask with excitement in my voice. Giving a little chuckle as i called the baby an 'it' He stands up and exits the room.

A few minutes pass with me waiting and I can hear footsteps walking closer. More than one pair of feet. First Liz walks in. Then his father. James. After that in came Millie who has a big grin on her face. Bless her. Issie came in after and then there he was. Louis came in very quietly with a baby wrapped in his arms.

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