Chapter 16 - Milliz

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"Can I hold her?" I ask timidly, nervous about being a mother.

"Of course Darling" Louis replies. He handed over my little bundle of joy. I cradle her and bop her nose, making her smile and reach out to touch my face. I let her grasp my finger in her surprisingly strong grip.

"What should we call her?" Louis asked. He doesn't know that I've been thinking about his question since I fell pregnant with our baby.

"I've been thinking about it and I wanted to name her after one of our mothers but I couldn't choose which one. So I thought I might pull a Bella cullen and smoosh their names together." I say in one breath, worried that he won't like the idea.

"How would that work?" Louis asked hesitantly

"I was thinking something like Milliz?" I say quietly. Liz tears up with happiness when I say this.

"That sounds perfect" He says while Milliz laughs and reaches for him. Her laughter is contagious and makes both of us laugh with her.


"Should we introduce her to the boys?" I ask. By this point his family had left the room and it was just me and Louis while Milliz was sleeping in her new crib that bought a couple of weeks ago.

"They can meet her tomorrow, you just pushed a full human out of your vagina, I think you deserve a break." He told me with one of his gorgeous smirks.

"I know I just gave birth to our daughter but your smirking is making me want to have another one if you know what i mean" I say with a flirty grin and look at him from under my lashes, my most flirtatious look that gets him every time.

"Alright you horn dog, get some rest and let your pussy recover before I pound it straight to heaven." He says and kisses me on the forehead before walking out of the room. It took me a second to realize what he said but when I did, it left me even more hot and bothered than before. Who knew having a baby could make you so horny?!


I woke up in mine and Louis bed with Milliz still sleeping soundly in her crib. Liz has offered to look after her while me and Louis have school. Speaking of which, I haven't been to class in a couple of days, I wonder what time it is? I look at the clock next to our bed and ITS 2.30 IN THE AFTERNOON!!!! I storm down to the boys room where I'm sure Louis is. And Low and behold there he is in all his gorgeous glory.

"LOUIS" I yell while storming into their room

"Yes darling" Louis says with a nervous smile.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!! I WAS MEANT TO GO TO CLASS TODAY!!" I all but scream in his face. Noah and Tim and Tom all slowly back away from me but I don't notice as I'm too busy screaming at my boyfriend and baby daddy.

"I'm sorry bubs but, mum and I thought it would be best if you took the rest of the week off to recover and spend time with lizzy." He said while wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Ugh fine" I say, sinking into his warm embrace.

"I love you" he whispered into my hair

"I love you more I say into his chest"

"I love you most" He says and kisses my forehead. 

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