Chapter 13 - Secrets🤫

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A/n - sorry for the wait we have been a but lazy lately but here it is. 1672 words. Enjoy


Everyone has Secrets.

A lot of people don't share them.

You might tell a friend or two. A relative. Some even tell stuffed animals.

I like to tell the people I feel most comfortable around. This just so happens to be 5 boys I met in a nurses office. It wasn't intended that I told them my biggest secret. It sort of...Just...Came out. It also wasn't my fault that I found out 5 major secrets from 5 other people. It wasn't my fault that one of those secrets could change my life....

Our day was crazy. That's how I would explain it. It was a day of adventure. A day where we get to know each other...Fully. A day where we realised we didn't know each other AT ALL.

I'll tell you. Come along.


Today I woke up nestled in between Louis' arms. Normal. Jumped in the shower, washed off, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. Normal. Woke Louis up taking 10 minutes out of my day. Normal. Heading down for breakfast with all the other boys there. Normal. Tim is in a happy bright mood. Not normal. No more milk left. Not normal. Louis coming down telling us he doesn't feel well and heads back upstairs. Not normal. Mmmmm it's normal once a month but I guess it happens to everyone.

After breakfast everyone decided to do their own thing because Louis was sick and we don't exactly enjoy doing things without all of us. Going to check on him I open our door and see him all wrapped inside the blankets on the bed asleep. Deciding not to wake him up I kiss his forehead and head to the courtyard. Walking around the school is one of my favorite things to do. It's so peaceful, Quiet, and calm. The flora and Fauna is amazing. Rose vines, birds. Such a great variety. Time goes by and I'm already back at the boarding house. Walking down the hallways I hear some noises. Not just any noises. But rated R 18+ noises. Walking closer to the room the noises get louder and louder. Walking closer I start to get more awkward. More scared. Pulling up my hand to the door knob I slowly turn the handle to the left. Opening the door I see a sight that I really wish I didn't see. There I see Tom and Noah all over each other.

"AHHHHH" i scream slapping my eyes with my hand

"AHHHHHHHHH'' Noah and Tom scream at the same time jumping off each other and wrapping themselves up in clothes. A few minutes pass and I hear them tell me I can open my eyes. Slowly taking off my hand my eyes are bulged out and you could tell I was certainly scarred for the rest of my life. I mean seeing two of my closest friends on top of each other isn't a sight to be seeing.

"It's not what it looked like" Noah explained with Tom nodding his head furiously at me.

"It's not what it looked like? I'm pretty sure seeing that you were on top of eachother tells a lot" i say folding my arms onto my chest. Tom and Noah start to go really red. A smile creeps up onto my face as I walk towards them and hug them. Pulling away they look confused.

"I mean I'm happy for you. How long have you two been fuck buddies?" I simply ask wanting to know answers.

"We aren't just fuck buddies. We're dating. And we have been together for 8 months" Tom states with a bit of aggression in there. Although I could tell they were still embarrassed.

"EIGHT MONTHS" I say with my voice becoming a bit higher. The boys look terrified at this point although I just wash it off and congratulate them.

Walking back out the room and closing the door behind me I sigh.

That was Tom and Noah's secret revealed.

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