Chapter 9 - Positive.

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Waking up, I wasn't in the nurse's office. I was in fact inside my dorm, on Louis' bed, under what felt like 5 blankets. I felt someone's hands run through my hair, sometimes caressing My cheek. Fluttering my eyes open I see a pair of brown eyes staring right at me. I smile at him as he smiles back softly rubbing my cheek.

"You're awake" He says calmly "I thought you would never wake up again" He says again with a little worry in his voice. I set my hand on his cheek while still looking into his eyes.

"Hey. Don't worry, I'm here aren't i?" A gives a smile as he chuckles a little.

"What happened?" I ask the question sitting up a bit so I'm leaning back on the backboard.

As he explains to me what happened I sit there very quietly taking in all of what he is saying. Suddenly I get the urge to go throw up. Running to the bathroom Louis on my tail I make it to the toilet just in time for all the vomit to come out. At this point Louis is very concerned while rubbing my back soothing me. Sitting there for at least 10 minutes I think deeply of what's been happening. Vomiting every so often. Passing out. Craving foods I'd never thought I'd be eating. Then it hits me. I could be pregnant. Louis could obviously sense how worried I was with the look on my face. Asking me what's wrong I wave it off and tell him everythings fine. I just want to go on a walk to get some fresh air. Alone. Letting me go I walk out the room, down the stairs, Out the building, into the courtyard, and out the school. I realised I needed to go get a pregnancy test.


Walking down the street to the pharmacy I look around and see things I've never seen before. Fancy old phone booths lined up down the street. Clothing stores I've never heard of. Bakeries. Convenience stores, and many, many more things I thought were fascinating.

Making it to the pharmacy I step inside and start walking down each aisle until I find the pregnancy tests. Picking one up I walked over to the cashier picking up a bar of chocolate on the way. If meeting Harry Style On the plane was awkward then I don't know what this was.

Pulling my shirt up to my nose as well as putting on a pair of sunglasses I magically had in my pocket I walked up to the front. The lady looked at me really strangely, making me want to run away and cry.

"$3.75" (Pretend its pounds) The cashier lady told me. Handing her the money I grab the test and run out of the store back to school. Running into the courtyard. Into the building. Up the stairs. Into the room. Into the bathroom. Slamming the door in the process and locking it. I hear Louis come running and knocking powerfully on the door asking if I'm ok.

Reassuring him I'm fine and I just needed the toilet, I heard him walk back into the dorm.

Sitting on the toilet peeing on the stick which I might add was very disgusting. I placed the test face down onto the counter. I was not ready for this. Might I add as well this isn't the first time I had taken a pregnancy test. I was at a party surprisingly I had gotten invited to, Again surprisingly. The birthday girl thought it would be a good idea to do a pregnancy test roulette. I had participated but I knew it was going to be negative because again I hadn't lost my virginity.

<Fast forward to 5 minute later>

Sitting up from the floor where I was crying, I took the pregnancy test in my hand. Looking into the mirror, not ready at all, I stood there for as long as I could before I knew I had to turn it over. Counting down from 10 I looked down at the test where I saw 2 lines. Positive. Was all I could let out. Hearing footsteps leading to the bathroom I open a draw and check the test inside. Walking back in the room Louis asks if I'm ok. My face starts to heat up but I reassure him that I was ok. Walking over to his bed I laid down as he walked into the bathroom probably ready for a shower. Just as he closed the door I realised. I chucked the pregnancy test into his draw. Before I could do anything I heard a scream.


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