Chapter 5

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Our table was situated not far away from the stage, so we can have at least a clear view of the stage.

Tae hyung, Jimin hyung and I jokingly said that we wanted to perform there too, but the hyungs altogether rebuked us. And so we stopped nagging them.

A performer stepped in the stage and greeted us before she started the set.

Jisoo: "Oh?" She reacted and looked surprised.

Namjoon: "Are you okay, baby? What's wrong?" He asked her.

Jisoo: "Ani, I'm okay.. It's just that, I know her." She commented while pointing at the lady performer.

Hobi: "Her?" He asked while pointing at the girl too.

Jisoo nodded and shushed everyone so they can listen to her.

It was Jisoo's first time hearing and seeing the young girl perform.

They kept quiet all throughout her first performance. But the boys' curiosity is already killing them.

Jimin: "Okay noona, who is she? And how'd you know her?" He asked of her, while the others are waiting for her to respond.

Jisoo: "She's friends with my sister." She revealed.

Taehyung: "You mean, Jennie?"

Jisoo hummed and nodded as her answer.

Jin: "How did Jennie knew her? Is she also a customer here?"

Jisoo: "Ani.. Wait! Is she guys not familiar to you?" She asked the three of us maknaes.

Tae-hyung, Jimin-hyung and I looked so confused with Jisoo-noona's question.

Jungkook: "What do you mean, noona?" I asked.

Jisoo: "She's also attending the same university as you, guys." She revealed.

The three of us looked so surprised because we haven't seen her at the university. Or maybe because we are not on the same department. Maybe she's taking up the same degree with Jennie.

Jimin: "Jinja? But I haven't seen her at the university." He said.

Yoongi: "Yah! Pabo! When did you became so concerned with seeing or not these people inside your university? Did you already forget that you're not a normal type of student?" He annoyingly commented.

Jimin: "Yah, calm down, hyung.. You don't need to be so hard on me." He whined.

Jin: "Tsk. Tsk. Okay that's enough you two.. Let's listen to her more.." He suggested.

Namjoon: "She's foreign." He suddenly commented while listening and looking at the girl.

Jin: "Well obviously, she is. But her Korean is also good. I bet she stayed her for quiet a while now."

Yoongi: "She's got looks too." He seconded.

The conversation had stopped and we all listened to her while she's singing.

Was she hurt? How come she delivered those two songs with so much pain and emotion?

Those were all of my thoughts while listening to her.

As she ended the song, everyone "wowed" at her and gave her a warm round of applause. Some were even shouting "one more!". And so she sang another song, and this time it's a Korean song.

And once again, we we're all amazed by her performance, she sounded like the original singer of the song.

And series of songs follows. And she still kept on amazing us.

And now it's her last song for tonight.

Hoseok: "Waah, I want to listen to her more." He whined while fake crying.

Jisoo: "I wonder if Jennie knows about her friend's amazing talent."

They couldn't helped but to commend the girl's voice. I mean, I wouldn't deny, I, as well liked her voice.. She sounded like an angel for me..

Taehyung: "Can we perhaps invite her to join us?" He suddenly commented.

Jimin: "I like your idea, Taetae. Let's call her?" He seconded.

Jin: "Yah! You two! Behave.." He rebuked them.

Taehyung: "Hyung, we just wanted to meet her. And noona said she's also attending the same university with us, so technically we're schoolmates." he defended.

Yoongi: "Are you sure that is all your intention? You two looked so interested with her."

Jimin: "O-of course, hyung.. W-we just wanted to make friends with her, since she's also friends with Jennie."

Hoseok: "But why are you stuttering?" he teased him.

Jimin: "I..I'm not, hyung!" he defended, but he's blushing..

Jisoo-noona interrupted them before the conversation could end up into a misunderstanding.

Jisoo: "Alright boys, that's enough.. Tae, Chim, I think this is not the right time and right place for you to make friends with her.. Remember you three are public figures, and you shouldn't be seen talking with random girls, especially in a place like this." She commented.

Jisoo-noona has a point. Even though we just wanted to make friends with her, our intentions can be stained by other people's opinion. Especially with our status.. We're not like other normal teenage boys, who can make friends with others on an instant without thinking of other people's opinion, because like what noona said, we are public figures.

Tae-hyung and Jimin hyung did not insisted anymore but instead listened to the elders.

When all of us felt that we drank enough, all of us decided to leave and immediately headed back at Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung's apartment.

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