I'm sorry to who still reads this

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You saw right, i'm not continuing this anymore since i have not had a well thought out plot mostly cuz i added the magic part (yeaaaa that was a sudden change) i'm sorry for this amateur type of writing but there's also a reason why, no not just school but i thought of giving writing a go again, just might not make a lot of self made pictures, it will still be in the itsfunneh yandere high rp plot but just a lot more different and i'll not go off my plans again with some consideration of the krew, them being siblings and all, but since gold there has different parents i'll just make them childhood friends in order to make it look like they really are family

Also its gonna be a Various x Fem!Reader (sorry i'm just craving for it) so basically both boys and girls like the reader and if any of you have suggestions on how each part/chapter will go please tell me, also i am going off the itsfunneh videos so I actually know what i'm doing 😅😅 sorry again to who still reads this

Honestly i might cry seeing the series again, it's been so long and funneh said it can't be finished, and since then I didn't watch it till' now

Sayonara, for this is the last A/n i'll be doing for this book
And watch out for the new one 😉

Draco x reader (itsfunneh) lost in memory DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now