Chpt.7 | Words unsaid

434 12 2

Doctor's P.O.V

"Doctor, Doctor!" a nurse shouts for me to come with her and while running "What happened nurse?" i asked "The ambulance that went with the police say they found a girl with a severe stab wound and some chain marking all over her skin it seems she's been kidnapped and tortured too" the nurse said making me nod as we rush on over i see the patient "take her to the emergency room stat! we need to check if she still needs surgery" i say and the other nurses nod taking her to the room i sigh and look to see six people in waiting for her i head over to them "do you know what happened to her? it might help me know what to do with her to recover faster" i ask them and they tell me she got stabbed by two people and that her stab wound was seen from her back and front and i nod "all of you wait here don't worry we'll help her the best we can" i say to them as i place a hand on the boys shoulder to reassure him then i walk over to the emergency room.

Draco's P.O.V

I was trembling with anger on how Ethan had treated (Y/N) i was sobbing saying "she didn't deserve that" all over again until Funneh spoke "Draco don't worry she'll be fine you already know she's strong right?" and i nod slowing down my sobs "they need to find Ethan for what he did!" i said and looked at all my sisters and (Y/N)'s moms sad smiles "we all want that too bud the police are trying their best so don't worry" Rainbow said "i hope so" i say and look down.

~Timeskip brought to you by 'alulululululululu'~

(in room 201 with the krew)

Draco's P.O.V

i run to the room with my sisters and (Y/N)'s mom i practically barge through the door to see (Y/N) laying peacefully in a hospital bed seems she's still sleeping so i walk to the bed and i place my hand on her cheek and me smiling since she's atleast safe, then the Doctor walks in "so Doctor how's my daughter doing?" mrs. (L/N) asks "great news is we got to patch her up and she's doing well right now" i smile to myself then i heard the Doctor sigh "but she's in a coma..." the Doctor says and then i look back at him with wide eyes "the best we could do was patch her up after loosing a lot of blood from the stab wound as for her bruises we managed to heal it and don't worry she'll wake up after a week or so" the Doctor reassured us and me just nodding back for a reply as mrs. (L/N) walks up to the Doctor to talk in private, as they walk outside i felt my sisters go near me, Rainbow puts her hand on my shoulder as if to say i shouldn't worry but instead of complying i was the opposite of calm i was dead worried for (Y/N) i had worse case scenarios inside my head and shaking a little alarming my older sisters "hey, hey don't assume the worst it's like you want that happening to her" Gold says to lighten the mood and i stare at her for a few then smiled at them since they we're trying to calm me then ms. (L/N) came in the room "ok kids lets go they said visiting hours are over, lets come back tomorrow ok? that is if you all have the time" she says and we leave but before i did i kissed (Y/N)'s forehead i don't know why but it was like something told me to do it or i could never walk out of the room and as soon as i did Lunar called for me to hurry up, and we left to go to sleep and maybe come back again tomorrow.

~Full time skip to one week~

No ones P.O.V

Everyday the krew with (Y/N)'s mom went to check on (Y/N) if she's awakened but since its already been a week they we're growing more and more worried each day on if she'll ever wake up from her coma.

Draco's P.O.V

'It's already been a week! why wont she wake up?! please...wake up' i thought as i kept hitting the side of her bed and felt the hand of mrs. (L/N) on my shoulder as if to say to let me take a rest but no i don't want to i want to see (Y/N) wake up so i shook my head indicating that i said no so she sighed and plopped down near my peacefully sleeping sisters, i started to sob silently so no one could see me and if i'm going to lose (Y/N) i still had to tell her about my feelings towards her since our childhood days, well...ill wait for everyone to sleep then ill say it.

~Ten minutes later~

'finally everyone's sleeping now to say it..' i thought as i took a deep friend to help me to stay calm and not break down in tears, after a while of hesitating i leaned closer to her ear and whispered "hey (Y/N), please wake up soon we're all worried, well more to me and i still have a lot to go through with you i need you to live, WE need you (Y/N) please listen to the sound of my voice grab onto it and stay with me i can't lose you" i almost screamed as i started crying on the floor feeling hopeless over this whole thing i can't let her go she has to live maybe not for me but for others atleast.. anyone at this point as long as it means she lives ", (Y/N) wake up, please!" i scream the last part not containing my tears as they slipped down fast as i tr hugging her as if to wake up up from her longing sleep, i was being desperate at this point i can't anymore i need her to wake up it was like my heart was sinking like it being more and more heavy by the second "i haven't said that to you before i just want you to know i don't know why just now i'm sorry.." i said pulling my hands to my face to cover my crying form, until a hand grabbed my hand into theirs i look up in shock and dry my tears to see if everything was real rubbing my eyes doing anything to know if i was in a dream but no...

"yeah...why..didn't you?"

'a smile on their face saying that'

⋆ TO ᗷE ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌEᗪ ⋆

Cliffhangerrr!! i think...? but im sure you guys know who that was tho i still wanna leave it 'unsaid' nice! a pun rainbow would like puns even puns none related to most topics i like it 🤣 well as always have a good day/night, see ya'll next chapter,Golden_Himē_warrior out! Peace!╰(*°▽°*)╯

Word count: 1181

Draco x reader (itsfunneh) lost in memory DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now