Chpt. 9 | Controlled & POWERS?! part 1

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(The picture at the top) what you look like later on when your being controlled/hypnotized

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(The picture at the top) what you look like later on when your being controlled/hypnotized.
WARNING! on through this chapter it will unfold into some depressing scenes, maybe bloody (someone tell me if this book can also be considered as matured content cuz of the blood parts please ;-;) read at own
(F)risk <---- annoying nonsense pun here (゚ヮ゚☜) undertale! anyway i'll stop for now and without further adieu on with the chapter *snapping and teleporting sounds*


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

~At class~

I was walking to class and bumped into yandere "oof uhm..sorry about that" i apologized "yandere right?" i added "yea it's fine and you might be (Y/N) right? the.. new student?" she said while dusting her uniform and brought out her hand probably wants me to shake it "yea.. wanna be friends?" i said with a bright closed-eye smile shaking her hand 'sweet another friend' i thought "yea well see ya around (Y/N)" yandere said both of us waving goodbye to each other, then i walk into class with Funneh talking with a red-head and Gold with a messy dark blue haired boy and finally Funneh acknowledges my appearance and called me over with them "hey Funneh, Gold" i say in a happy tone "oh (Y/N) we'd like you to meet Alec and Kyran our friends" Funneh says pointing at the red-head and messy dark blue haired guy they were talking to "oh and this is (Y/N) she's new here" Gold says to them and Alec and Kyran stare at me with wide eyes "Alec, see what i'm seeing?" Kyran asks to Alec without looking at him "yea-" he just says after a minute of looking at each other they jump at me and hug me saying stuff like "we missed you" "are you ok since that accident?!" i was so confused and felt weak so i just started to get dizzy once again and saw more visions i was about to fall till' Funneh and Gold rush to me i heard shouts that was inaudible to me probably saying my name i smile at them before darkness consumed me.

Alec's P.O.V

After jumping into a hug with (Y/N) and we look at her she was about to fall over until Funneh and Gold caught her 'what the?! whats happening is she blacking out? but why' i thought and i hear Funneh and Gold calling out her name i just saw a little smile formed on (Y/N)'s face before falling unconscious. Funneh and Gold had to explain to me and Kyran on why she just suddenly passed out, surely they have to know why after they said they met her on her first day and became friends with them not less than a minute after their encounter and after her explaining it made sense now why the last time me and Kyran visited (Y/N), when we were kids her mother would be strict on who would pass through their doors sadly enough she wouldn't let us in before, it made us sad we weren't able to see our best bud again until now and i was glad she was fine but also panicked when they told me  about her having memory loss, it meant... she doesn't remember us?...

Funneh's P.O.V

as soon as we said the word 'Memory Loss' they both had their eyes wide open like they're in realization, i wonder how they both know her, maybe a childhood friend? hmmm i'll just think it like that nothing more nothing less unless they're best friends then i'll consider it, when i turn to my right i see Gold in deep thought probably thinking about that too but i just nudged her and soon she escaped her rambling thoughts, "geez Gold stuck in thought are we? is it about Kyran knowing (Y/N)?" i said the last part as a whisper so only Gold can hear it and i'm smirking as she blushed although oblivious to the stares from the two boys Gold brushed it off and said that we still had to help (Y/N) which was right, i almost forgot about her cuz of my thoughts, god my thoughts are gonna kill me one day, i sigh and carry (Y/N) somewhere comfy to rest on. After a few minutes of trying to find something she can rest on we finally found a couch large enough for her to rest at and i was surprised that she isn't awake yet, guess that they triggered a big memory outta her, wonder what tho...

Draco x reader (itsfunneh) lost in memory DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now