Chpt. 1 | New Friends...?

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Things to know
(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favourite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(CH/N) - Channel Name
(E/C) - Eye Color


Narrator P.O.V
(Y/N) woke up to her new ringtone and checked what time it was and saw it was 7AM?! welp another late common for her except its her first day! 'well (Y/N) you're so getting yelled at if you dont hurry it up' she thought as she went up like the speed of lightning... (not really) as she took a bath while brushing her teeth, dressing up with a white T-shirt on top is a black hoodie with the Adidas logo (F/C) type of pants and black and white shoes running out of her room as fast as she can to eat breakfast after eating she went to her mom saying "bye mom see ya later dont wanna be late" grabbing her school bag as her mom says "bye sweetie" she dashes out their front door.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I bash through our front door checking the time '7:39am' surprising enough i was gonna be earlier than i expected luckily the school my mom enrolled me in was 10 minutes away from our house 'so i'll be there in about 7:49am if i run and ofc not get distracted' i thought as i sighed.

~12 mins. later~

"I knew i shouldn't have bought ice cream although it was delicious but the bell!" i run faster and i bump into someone specifically two 'heck-!' i said in my head then suddenly "ew- ugh who are you?" she said looking disgusted 'great sounds like a brat' i thought "ahem im sorry but im new around here and was trying to find the principal" looking up at the girls and smirk "not two life size barbie dolls" and just try walking away but they just stopped me saying "and who are you to talk to m- us with that attitude you're lucky you're new here and im feeling nice, my name is Felicia Weisz and she is my BFF Brittney and hey since you look new here ill help you and maybe let you be my friend hah! You should be honored, I Felicia Weisz am asking you to be my friend a lot of people would die to be in your position" and while she was talking i walked away trying to find the principals office "nope no way" i say to them and they just left getting annoyed 'now what was i- oh right! Principal's office?-' i thought to myself as i bump into two people again 'what's it with me bumping into two people today!?' i say in my head and checking who i bumped into this time and saw a girl with a sorta blueberry head and a brown haired girl i stand up bowing and say "sorry" over and over and since they dont look like that Felicia and Brittney girl i was glad and then the blue haired one said "no no it should be us saying sorry we weren't looking where were going hehe-"

Funneh's P.O.V
"no no it should be us saying sorry we weren't looking where were going hehe-" i say to the (H/C) girl Gold spoke up too saying "yea, and hey are you new here?" Gold asks too, the
(H/C) girl stopped bowing "oh but im still sorry i wasn't looking too, i was too caught up in trying to find the principals office and earlier i met two barbies i assume you both know 'em?" she asks we laugh "oh you must've met them yes their both the worst they used to give us wedgies and we also do our own pranks on them right Gold?" i say "yea i remember that Funneh, oh and you said you were looking for the principal? C'mon we'll show you to him" Gold says and the (H/C) girl says "sweet thanks! Oh and nice to meet you, i'm (Y/N) and you guys are Funneh and Gold i assume? You both kind of remind me of youtuber names" Gold and I sweatdropped "uhm... No we've never heard of any youtubers named those r-right Gold?" i say as i laugh nervously "yea! We just so happen to have same names i guess- hey! You saidyou need to go to the principals office right lets go then!" Gold says as she's dragging (Y/N) 'that was too close-' i thought as i sigh.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I sigh as i'm being dragged by Gold with Funneh behind 'They're being a bit too obvious luckily they didn't notice me since i got inspired to make (CH/N) by the krew' i got snapped outta my thoughts as Gold says "We're hereee" and i just say "thanks a lot well bye for now cya guys later" and i walk into the office and get greeted by the principal and i ask about my new schedule and my locker info, as i walk out of the door i see Funneh and Gold again and instead of them seeing me say hi instead they saw me fall while holding my head and tears threatening to fall any minute so they got worried and asked if i was ok "yes, yes i'm ok its just that...since i was a kid i got hit by a car and lost my old memories after i got out of the coma and now ever since i see stuff probably related to my old memories i have these weird flashbacks and i don't know what i saw to make me like that... Sorry did i worry you both?" i ask looking up apologeticly and smile at them and i felt something fall off my face seems like liquid "weird.. I've never cried infront of anyone not even mom and im crying infront of you guys haha.. I'm sorry do i seem pathetic?" i ask and give a dry laugh and i got surprised they were....

Hugging me..?

⋆ TO ᗷE ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌEᗪ~ ⋆

Yo i'm Golden_Himē_Warrior signing in as a new wattpadian i wanna know how you all think about my first story its a work in progress i guess and i'll try to post as much as i can and some of the pictures/drawings will probably mostly be made by me well peace for now!

Word count: 1068

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