Chpt. 8 | Knowing

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No ones P.O.V

"yeah...why..didn't you?"

'a smile on their face saying that'

as soon as Draco heard that he started to sob once again "why did you have to do that (Y/N)! i was scared i'd lose you" he said while (Y/N) just giggles "whats so funny?" he asks pouting wiping his tears "well i did that for you to live, i'd risk my life for anyone i hold dear to me, but don't mind that, we're you actually crying for me?" (Y/N) says and she smirks looking at the tomato Draco "N-No just worried yo must still be sleepy, now you're seeing things (Y/N) cuz' surely i wasn't crying" Draco says looking away with his hands crossed over each other and (Y/N) snickers "aw don't be like that just teasing because your eyes are really red, since when did you start crying?" (Y/N) says while poking Draco's cheeks "ever since you got stabbed and went into a coma?" Draco says in a questioning manner "how long have i been out tho?" (Y/N) asks him "for about one week i guess" Draco says "one wee- wait where are the others?" (Y/N) asks and Draco points behind him "They've been here as long as me and the nurses thankfully let us come here even after visiting hours that's why i'm here" Draco explains "Draco you do know we we're awake ever since you were sobbing right?" Rainbow says as Draco turns back fast to see all of their eyes still closed as if they we're sleeping "wait what?! no i didn't i thought you're still sleeping you should've told me!" Draco says while throwing a pillow at Rainbow and all of them laugh including (Y/N) as she sees Draco's embarrassed red face "so what did you say about needing (Y/N) again?" Funneh teases Draco "ahhhh SHUTITFUNNEH!" Draco screams at Funneh and all of them bursts out in laughter and after a second Draco joins in too while all of them not noticing the person at the door smiling at them specifically (Y/N)'s mom well until (Y/N) sees her "MOM!" (Y/N) runs to where her mom is and crushed her mother into a hug and tears of joy "hey sweetie feeling better?" (Y/N)'s mom says while smiling at her patting her hair then pinches her cheeks hard "Now don't do that ever again!" (Y/N)'s mom exclaims kissing her nose "alright, alright just stop with the pinching" (Y/N) says too but weirdly looking chibi as if she's in an anime then (Y/N)'s mom laughs a little and caresses her cheek "Fine fine" and (Y/N) sighs "god my cheeks are sore what are your hands made of? steel or something mom?" (Y/N) questions while rubbing her cheeks "nope just the normal" her mom says "I- give up" (Y/N) says and facepalms while everyone in the room laughs "So (Y/N) are you really ok after that? you took quite a lot of hits and whats with those bruises did Ethan do anything to you?" Gold asks "well other than chaining me up and hitting me when i don't cooperate i'm fine" (Y/N) says happily too happy like nothing even happened "so wait you're telling us he hits you?" Draco asks then all smiles in the room excluding (Y/N), but their smiles are not the happy kind it was the murderous kind and they had this aura making everyone walking past their room stiffen and when even one looks at them they stare back making the people shiver and scream, well more like in a muffled way but (Y/N) just looks at them confused "are you guys ok?" (Y/N) asks innocently while putting her hand under her  chin making everyone turn back to normal "Yes we're fine (Y/N)" (Y/N)'s mom says 'yea hell we're fine and he even managed to escape? well if we ever find him again we'll make sure he won't last' everyone but (Y/N) thought having back their dark aura but this time laughing creepily making (Y/N) stare at their forms "if you guys are plotting to do something to Ethan don't bother, see i'm fine" (Y/N) says standing up and twirling to show them if she's having any other injuries "but (Y/N) look at you, because of him you we're in a coma we still have to find him who knows what'll happen" Lunar says and (Y/N) puts a hand on Lunar's shoulder smiling "thank you, all of you really, thanks for worrying but as for now it's fine don't just murder him seriously you guys might go to jail" (Y/N) says making everyone say "Fine" in a bored manner then it was (Y/N)'s turn to laugh making everyone look at her "s- o- rry" (Y/N) says between laughs and wipes a fake tear then she coughs to calm down "i was just happy all of you care  about me" she added making everyone hug her some rubbing their cheeks against her some saying "of course we do" then she surprisingly hugs them all back "haha the best friends and mom ever" (Y/N) remarks hugging them tighter "jeez this is a literal death hug" Draco says out of breath then (Y/N) realizes and lets go and scratches her neck "yea... sorry guys" (Y/N) says to all of them while bowing and they all wave their hands excluding her mom signaling no "its only natural to care for a friend (Y/N)" Funneh says "you will do the same won't you?" Lunar asks "Yep that's why i didn't want any of you hurt" (Y/N) says gleaming with determination everyone swears they saw her eyes have stars in them but just shook it off.

(Y/N)'s mom P.O.V

'(Y/N) made great friends well i mean they are her childhood friends i'm not sure if she has noticed yet but i'd be happy if she did, although i did become rude to them before i hope they forgive me' i thought and i just smile at them

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

'i'm so happy with them all how did i get so lucky to have friends and a mom like them? this is too much i hope this wont ever end!' i thought "guys" i said and they all said "What?" "well i hope this wont ever end!" i said beaming with happiness and squished them all again in a tight hug and before i pull outta the hug i hug them all tighter then let go having tears of joy looking at them

~after getting discharged from the hospital~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Yesssssss! I get to walk around now, the hospital was cramped yannow" i said pointing towards the hospital making everyone laugh "now where to?" i asked them "pizza?" Funneh asked "Pizzaaa!!!" Gold says making us all laugh and Gold laughs as well "well, what're we waiting for? lets goOo" i said punching the air "well someone'd hyper" my mom says "well how would you feel being in a hospital not getting to eat much food that was delicious mom?" i said sorta complaining "right right ok lets go kids" she just says as we walk over to a near pizzeria (dunno just deal with it -'д'-) and grab a seat as we tell our order "one pepperoni pizza one cheese pizza and (favorite pizza) please" (if you have one its fine to change it tho) i say "don't forget hawaiiannn~" Funneh says in a sing song voice making me snicker "is that all ma'am?" the waiter asks "yes, thats all, right guys?" i ask the others giving a thumbs up as i smile at the waiter and nod then the waiter goes to tell the order, while we wait we we're just talking about random topics, it's so much fun with all of them together "so guys i've been meaning to bring this up ever since we talked about it" i said being nervous "yea?" Draco asks "well about the visions and when you guys mentioning a girl from your pasts" i say as i look at them staying silent signaling me to continue "well when i was in a coma i might've had more visions about it and every time looking less and less blurry and they all looked like you guys so you all must be right i might've been your childhood friend" i said while smiling at them "how about you mom do you remember any of them?" i asked raising my hand indicating at the krew, and the krew stared intently at my mom "okay OKAY, yes, yes i do know them" she said i got confused why she shouted and my mom just stares at the krew having expectant faces "and i might've sorta had to keep them away from you ever since you lost your memory" she said making my face turn to shock i looked at the others and they nodded making it clear that what she said was true "But i did it because if you suddenly have memory of your pasts it would hurt you... i'm sorry" she said to me and i just hug her understanding why she did it then we all started conversing normally like that never happened and after the food arrived we all started digging in.

~Meanwhile outside the pizzeria~

??? P.O.V

"(Y/N) soon we'll be back together and no one will be in the way and i will show you whats the rights side muahhaahahahahhaa" i laugh maniacally and look weird at the other people passing by's perspective and i see a little boy who stopped eating his Popsicle and looked at me "what?!" i said looking at the kid and he ran away i sigh "jeez people are annoying, so don't worry (Y/N) i'll save you from this life into a better one whether you like it or not" i say not really talking to anyone but myself and people keep staring at me like i'm crazy.

⋆ TO ᗷE ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌEᗪ ⋆

and another failed cliffhanger greatttt 🤣 and i bet you guys know what that was again? then again you might not just to let you know a hint his from one of my past chapters yep he back cuz i have a plan for him that will impacts the story so good luck he will ruin da story for a while 😂😂 now as my signature leave have a great day/night see ya'll next chapter stay nice and awesome! Peace! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~🎙🎵

Word count: 1733

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