Chpt. 5 | kidnapped?! part 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I just woke up from my sleep and notice something 'this isn't my room nor my house' i thought and i try moving only to find out i was tied up i tried screaming but unfortunately my voice was being muffled by some cloth on my mouth, then i heard a chuckle "so you're finally awake, how was the sleep, dear?" i see someone submerge from the shadows with a smirk on their stupid face "YOU!... i thought they sent you to prison after what you did to me and my family!" i say and he laughs even more making me want to punch him and remove that somewhat amusing smirk off his face, you see he is Ethan someone i used to like but my parents didn't approve of him saying he's a bad influence and Ethan didn't like what they said about him so he also kidnapped me and my family before and he started to torture my parents saying "i'm not good enough?! a bad influence?! huh?! well ill show you what bad influence is" he says making me cower a bit in fear as he comes near me and lifts up my chin so we stare at each other eye to eye as if on instinct i slap him and oh boy did he get angry at me so he started hitting me basically abusing me, wonder how we escaped? well someone heard all the commotion and decided a lil' peak wouldn't hurt and saw me in my poor state so they went back outside to call for the police and an ambulance, so thats how, now back to me right now i was crying as he suddenly kissed me and me feeling weaker and weaker by the second 'w-was i always this weak?' i thought and we parted from the kiss, him grinning as he sees me in this weak state as of before "ah~ i miss you cowering in fear because of me, makes me want to hurt you again but i wont" Ethan says "You make me sick" i say "SHUT UP! you don't understand i had to do this i still love you, please take me back" he says literally begging making me scoff 'really? he thought i would forgive him after making us suffer before? well he's dead wrong' i thought "well better get used to me cuz you're never getting out no ones gonna save you since i left no trace unless i want something from your parents, or should i say 'parent' ah~ i still remember your dad's face as i was killing him slowly" he says seeming like the world stopped well atleast mine did "you... KILLED HIM?!" i shout and i try kicking him or atleast land a hit and i was already sobbing and my hatred just grew for him as if i wasn't as mad already from him kissing and kidnapping me he laughed psychotically making him sound as a yandere 'oh god someone please help me no matter who just please!' i thought and hoped for a savior to come by anyone will do.

Gold's P.O.V

We haven't seen (Y/N) since last night and we we're worried so we went to her house and unfortunately (Y/N)'s mom noticed it was us from her childhood she tried shooing us away but we wanted to know if (Y/N) was ok and if she returned safely after all it was night when she went back "what do you mean you haven't seen her in your classes? well she's not here either..." (Y/N)'s mom said "wait what? she as supposed to be back, i knew we should've accompanied her!" Draco said almost as if blaming himself for her disappearance "Draco calm down she might just be with another friend of hers" i said "but if i recall she told me she only has five friends at school and i'm thinking she's referring to the five of you as much as i hate to admit it, so... no it couldn't be.." she said and had a horrified look on her face and started to sob "what? what is it" Rainbow said "do you know of a guy named Ethan Falter?" she said and we only knew one person with that name and it was from the news "yes that criminal that escaped from prison three days ago why?" Lunar said making (Y/N)'s mom even more tense "listen here that man was (Y/N)'s ex-boyfriend and he used to torture me and her father for not approving of him which was the exact same reason we didn't recommend him for her because we knew something like that would happen and we had to prove it to her to see the reality.. but as you can tell it ended in not the way we wanted" she said in a serious tone making us all frozen in shock and anger from what (Y/N) and her parents had to go through "um.. do you have any idea where he could've taken her atleast to make it a bit easier to find them?" i say "well there is this one place i remember both of them saying they wanted to go to, where they would spend their time with each other, thats all i know there could be a slight hope of seeing her there so please find her..." (Y/N)'s mom says "we'll find her don't worry miss (L/N)" Funneh says smiling, after a while we started talking about where we could find them 'don't worry (Y/N) we'll find you soon enough just hold on' me and the krew thought.

~Meanwhile with (Y/N) and Ethan~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

'why wont he just stop he knew what he did and still has the guts to tell me to take him back? pff not even in his dreams will i give in whatever happens i wont let him get what he wants and as of now what he wants is me' i thought as he walked out of the room to get me some food so i'll be healthy it's not even healthy for me to see him again how did he even break out ugh.. well only a little hope left can help me out of this, this was not the Ethan i used to know as my boyfriend, because right now he's acting like a psycho would 'Ethan why what happened to you' i thought and looked as the ceiling sadly

⋆ TO ᗷE ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌEᗪ ⋆

Oh no! it seems you've been kidnapped by your crazy ex what do you think will happen next do you think he'll ever release you? or will you just be saved by the Krew you'll never know until the next chapter, anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter i had fun writing this but as always see ya'll in the next chapter have a night day/night peace!└(^o^)┐

Word count: 1151

Draco x reader (itsfunneh) lost in memory DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now