Chpt. 4 | Familiar Faces

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Narrator P.O.V

After a month or two the krew and (Y/N) got really close but not that close that (Y/N) would reveal herself to her high school friends, but whenever she goes to school and see anyone from them she always felt guilty for not telling them about what she knew and then she tried avoiding them, the five noticed it and they tried to make a plan to make (Y/N) talk to them again but also thought that what if they did anything to upset her.

Draco's P.O.V

Me and my sisters are trying to figure out why (Y/N) is avoiding us so we all asked each other whenever we had an interaction with her to know who she's avoiding or what and our plan was when lunch comes we sit with her and if she tries escaping we grab her and ask her why

~Timeskip to lunch~

It was time to execute the plan as we slowly walk to (Y/N)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I see the krew walking to me and i tried avoiding them and stood up only to be pulled back to my seat by none other than Draco then i felt a bit uncomfortable with this new feeling inside me i was blushing 'why am i blushing am i not supposed to feel like this when i like someone? this is just Draco my Best Friend not crush atleast i think he isn't' i thought and got snapped out of my thoughts by Rainbow "so tell us (Y/N) why are you trying to avoid us this whole week? did we do anything?" she asked "N-no it's none of you, its actually me, i've been keeping something secret from you all a-and i'm not sure if you'll all still forgive me after i tell you all" i say "don't worry whatever happens we're all still friends" Draco says holding my hand is his me being oblivious i didn't notice Draco's bitter smile as he said 'Friends' and him blushing and when i look to all of them smiling i smile too then suddenly i have another massive headache worse then the other ones i had, the Krew noticing my behavior had worried looks plastered on their faces and all i heard was them shouting my name after blacking out and i saw more visions of my past in my supposed old elementary school infront stood five kids a girl with blue hair, another with pink, then a girl with teal, then a girl with brown hair, stood infront of the four was a boy with brown hair they all looked familiar but i don't know in what way since they had blurry faces and i try reaching out to them but when my voice was growing fainter by the second i just saw them all frown and move past me so i checked what they we're looking at it was me getting run over by a car.

~Meanwhile with the krew~

Narrator P.O.V

"Not again!" Funneh says "what did she see this time?" Rainbow says "i mean she only looked at us smiled then passed out" Gold says "maybe we we're part of her past" Draco says " i mean yea she's been passing out at times when around us" Funneh says "but do any of you remember what she said? she said she was hit by a car before then lost her memory, do any of you remeber that girl we used to be friends with?" Lunar says and as they all are connecting the dots "she also has the same name and look but.. her mom told us to never see her again so we're not even sure thats her she may have changed" Rainbow says "but Rainbow with all that information do you really think all of it can just be a coincidence?" Draco says " i guess you're right but we still have to make sure she might be having more visions from her past right now then lets ask her after she wakes up" Rainbow says having a smile on her face all of them having hope their childhood friend being alive especially Draco

~A few hours later~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Ugh my head still hurts but atleast not as much as earlier i open my eyes to be greeted by a colorful bunch, my friends, "how long was i out again?" i ask as i see their half worried and relieved faces "about 3 hours" Draco answers my question and i sigh "(Y/N) every time you pass out and see something you say you have visions right?" Rainbow asks "i wouldn't say all the time but yea" i answer "so did you see a person? persons perhaps?" Gold asks "yea childhood friends of mine i guess, why? and how did you guys know?" i say and they all have faces of hope while mine confusion "did they have the same color of our hairs?" Funneh asks with a face of excitement then it hit me, realization 'they did have the same features too.. but they we're a bit blurry' i thought "yea.. they did!" i say "well we all had this childhood friend of ours that the same thing happened to her but because of her mom we never saw her ever again and we're still hoping to find her we're thinking it could be you but you seem also a bit different from her" Draco says "how different?" i ask "very from your persona to your looks but your face, hair, eyes, smile- i mean that you changed a bit from your old self you used to be so shy and scared whenever someone bullied you" Draco says "OOooOOOo~ Draco do you still li-" Lunar got cut off by a blushing Draco covering her mouth to prevent her from saying more making me more curious than being confused "so um i better go now guys" i say "do you know where to go from here?" Draco asks calming down "eh, i'll just work my way, either way i need a walk in peace since i passed out for 3 hours" i say as i wave bye to them and they all say either "bye" "stay safe" "do you need us to walk with you? its already nighttime" and i smile for their concern for me and i just flash them a smile of reassurance "see ya guys tomorrow again bye" i say and run out the door but before going home i just roam around for a bit to stretch my legs "strange, i feel like i'm forgetting something yet again" i speak to myself and stare at the sky seeing the moon since its night right after i woke up, i sigh and keep walking humming (Favorite song) as i enjoy the peaceful silence of the night well at first it was...

⋆ TO ᗷE ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌEᗪ ⋆

Thanks for the ones who are reading i'll still be continuing this so for the ones who are reading can still read if they enjoy this and either way i can't stop since i also like making stories and the part where i make a cover for each chapter i enjoy that too so that being said, see ya'll as always in the next chapter peace!└(^o^)┐

Word count: 1210

Draco x reader (itsfunneh) lost in memory DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now