Chpt. 3 | Friends with the krew?

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Narrator P.O.V
(Y/N) had just passed out from all the questions the pink haired girl bombarded her with, causing the other five getting concerned over (Y/N)'s frailness the five kept shouting her name in hopes she would finally wake up "Rainbow next time maybe wait for someone to be stable before questioning them a bunch of stuff k?" the teal haired girl asked the pink haired girl "oopsies my bad well wasn't that a 'kat-astrophe'?" Rainbow trying to lighten up the mood by saying cringey puns but her joke wasn't taken lightly by Funneh "What did we say about saying our real names in the open Rainbow? And no jokes as of now" Funneh says while Rainbow just pouts.

~Meanwhile in (Y/N)'s mind~
'Ugh- wha? Why is it so dark here?' i thought, i stand up and getting ready to scream "hello...? HellOooooO- HELLO?! Anyone around??" she asked and asked but no one answers so she almost lost hope Almost but she eventually saw a light that was as blinding as the sun and by instinct she went to the light.

Funneh's P.O.V
We all saw (Y/N) stirring in her sleep and all the sudden she wakes up and looks around saying stuff like "where am i?" "we're currently at me and the others house since we don't know where you live" i answer her holding my hand out to point at everyone "ugh my head feels heavy" (Y/N) says "say (Y/N)? why did you just fall all the sudden as you saw us and started crying?" Lunar asks "w-well i sorta get these vision's from what happened before i got hit by a car as a kid if i see something or someone ralated to it and it usually makes my head hurt tho i do wanna remember what happened since my parents never really told me about my past" (Y/N) says "so do you think we're part of your past?" Rainbow asks and
(Y/N) slowly nods "well then i'd love to help you gain back your memories" Rainbow says once again "Hey me too!" I say "me three!!" Gold says "count me in!" Draco says "and you guys aren't gonna forget about me!" Lunar says and we see (Y/N) laugh and at the corner of my eye i see a blushing...Draco? 'waiiiitttt does he like (Y/N)? For real?! My little bro finally gonna get a girlfriend? Yes about time!' i thought and i grin thinking about them getting together.

Draco P.O.V
Its getting even harder to not like (Y/N) when she just looks so likable i cant- her laugh her features everything and now i'm even blushing and i also notice Funneh looking at me she sorta looks creepy now with that grin 'WAIT
did she notice me staring at (y/n) and blushing while i see her laugh???' i thought oh no- this wont end well.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
As i stop laughing i saw a grinning Funneh and i look around on why she was grinning to see a red faced Draco so i rush to him "Draco you're burning up are you okay?!" i ask and put my hand on my forehead and feel draco's as it gets even more hot the second i touch it "Draco you're getting hotter by the second do you have a fever??!" i say "NOIMFINEJUST-" and by that he runs outta the room "huh? Weird-" the girl called 'Lunar' says "soooo... (Y/N) do someone perhaps?" Funneh asks me and her grin gets wider "yes, yes i do actually i like....Draco-" i say as i smile and the others tried to say something but i cut them off saying "-and Funneh, Gold, Lunar, Rainbow basically everyone i hold dear to me" i smile being oblivious to what they meant about 'liking someone' 'omg she's pure! And just completely oblivious' the other girls thought without me noticing their somewhat weird faces they we're making, "hey guys when did i pass out?" i asked realizing something "yesterday" Gold says "and...exactly what time is it now?" i ask again and we all froze to check the time "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!! hurry upp!" Rainbow says as we all rush trying to make it quick "7:50am c'mon hurry guys!!" i say as all but one got out of the dorm, we all sigh knowing who "Gold! how long do you always have to take" Funneh says "well unlike you i need to still be fashionable i'm in no mood to sass you right now, there i'm done lets get to school" Gold says now running through the door, now all of us are a mess as we run to get to class i have morning classes with Gold and Funneh then Afternoon classes with Rainbow, Lunar, and Draco.

Draco x reader (itsfunneh) lost in memory DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now