Chpt. 6 | kidnapped?! part 2 Saving you

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Narrator's P.O.V

The Krew are currently making a plan on how to retrieve (Y/N) from her ex some saying they should just call the police some saying they should just retrieve (Y/N) when 'He's' not around and one suggesting they take Ethan back where he belongs, back to prison.

~At school~

Draco's P.O.V

'I- we HAVE to get her back i can't think of anything else but her right now, of her well being an-' my thoughts get caught of by the teacher slamming her hands infront of my desk asking if i was paying attention i just nod, her asking me a question and i answered correctly but she still warned me to not space out "dude pay attention next time who knows what she'll do" Funneh says and i just nod as she sighs "look we know you're worried, we are too trust me but don't you think (Y/N) wants us to still be healthy and knowledgeable?" Funneh asks again and it was my turn to sigh "I guess...but what if something happened to her?" i say " then we can do something about it after finding her, i promise just pay attention to whats happening right now, we can think of a plan later after school and find her don't worry" Funneh said smiling "right guys" Funneh says to the krew they all nod smiling and saying "yeah!" causing me to smile too "how did i get you guys as my sisters ya'll are cheesy" i say laughing "yeah yeah just makin' you smile Draco" Rainbow says making us all laugh

~Timeskip to lunch~ (still Draco P.O.V)

We we're just eating peacefully also talking about the plan to save (Y/N) here and there until the barbies came "seems like that brat isn't here did you all chase her out? that was good she was getting annoying" Felicia said me having an irk mark on my head and spat out "will you shut it? we we're enjoying our time till the both of you came how about you stay away from us and (Y/N)'s personal life?" and i slam the table while not looking at them and my hair blocking my eyes but i could feel their stunned from what i just said then they left without another word being said and i finally calmed down "whoa there bud don't think about them just focus on the plan" Lunar said to me "Fine but if they come back we're switching places" i say and sigh

~Meanwhile with (Y/N)~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Ethan tried feeding me food but i kept refusing then he snapped "You know what?! I've been trying so hard to be nice to you! you know? feeding you, taking care of you? and you refuse?! well i.dont.CARE anymore what happens to you all you have to know is you are never escaping ans we'll live together F-O-R-E-V-ER" he screamed at me and while walking out i also screamed "You CAN'T do this to me you can't keep me here forever i have my mom and friends still i wanna live free please!" while sobbing silently and he just glances a bit at me and walked out closing the door while i'm struggling to break free from these chains kicking and flailing my arms everywhere 'did hey forget about me? i've been gone for two days and this..' i thought and my tears started to dry up 'please someone' i thought almost loosing hope

Funneh's P.O.V

We have been thinking of a plan on how to retrieve (Y/N) for an hour now and we thought of calling the police first just to stay on guard and take Ethan to prison, and while they wait we will sneak in to take (Y/N) at afternoon we will start the plan "so we all agree on it right?" i ask as they nod "then lets go!" i say and they all say "YEAH!"

Ethan's P.O.V

'Why do i feel like someone is coming for (Y/N), don't tell me her mom knows where i kept her...' i thought getting angrier as the thought of (Y/N) away from me 'no, i won't let them!' and while i was thinking that i hear chains breaking loose so i ran over to where i last saw (Y/N) and see her gone i start calling for back up and tell them to not let those people with (Y/N) escape as i start tracking them down and turn on the lock down sequence, after some minutes i assume it was, i finally found them on a dead end and i smirk.

~20 minutes earlier with the krew~

Draco's P.O.V

We get inside after finding the place (Y/N)'s mom told us to go to in order to find (Y/N) and when we walk in we go split up since there we're five rooms i go to the middle one there was nothing i went back to the front and the last to come back was Lunar and she said she heard muffling inside the room she was in so we all rushed there we opened the door to where the muffling voice was and there we saw it, chains wrapped on (Y/N)'s hand and legs, a piece of cloth on her mouth, bruises, (Y/N)'s dried tears and her messy hair. I was so furious and horrified at the site we saw and the first to recover from it was my sisters specifically Funneh while i was standing in place, some of my hair over my eyes and me having a dark aura as i saw her trembling i was clenching my fists preventing me from punching anything or anyone "guys we have to get out quickly who knows when he'll be back" Rainbow said and we all just nod while helping (Y/N) out of those chains and when we grab her she starts collapsing we we're so worried about her trying to get out and before we knew it all the doors, windows, and escapes we're shut tight with steel reinforcing it we started to panic thinking Ethan knows we're here, i mean i bet he does because he probably checks on (Y/N) quite frequently we heard someone shouting "I need back up now!" and we knew who's voice it belong to... Ethan, we froze after he called back up but little did he know we also had back up, the police "guys hide behind that door' i whisper to my sisters "but what about y-" i had to cut off Gold "just go!" i shout and push them to the door slamming it shut just in time before Ethan came then i had this weird dark aura surround me once again but since i see his annoying smirk plastered on his face it became more intense than before and i saw him stepping back a little but not enough to make him trip over, i was enraged "HAHA so you we're the one who helped her escape, what? are you her boyfriend now? well whatever she will be mine just so you know" he says and snaps his fingers "boys get 'em" as he says that there we're two men coming out from the shadows 'so they must be the back up' i thought but stand my ground i wasn't scared at all "so you're afraid of me then? to bring two men with you to fight me? how weak how would you ever protect (Y/N) if you can't even fight me yourself" i say and this was my turn to smirk seeing him get annoyed and he snapped "Get him! get him! GET.HIM!" he says and the two runs towards my direction and before they landed a punch on me i dodged it then heard shouts from the outside of the house 'the police, yes!' i thought and before i turn back i heard the door from where the girls we're hiding open then heard a "(Y/N) NO!" from Funneh and after turning back to the two men i saw blood and Ethan looking terrified from the sight, (Y/N) getting stabbed i started trembling "NOOOOOOOO!" i shout as the front door finally opens showing the police saying "alright hand up!" and the two following but Ethan gone, i grit my teeth as i fall to the ground holding (Y/N) protectively "You idiot!" i screamed crying for her to get up 'no th-this is just a dream one of those twisted nightmares, that's right! a dream!' i thought then kept pinching my self telling me to wake up and Funneh grabbed me "stop i know it's hard but this is the real world bro" she said and i hug myself for comfort and start sobbing as the ambulance that was called pick up (Y/N) and my sisters hugging me crying to, some we're holding their hand over their mouths and crying too shocked from everything that happened, it was going too fast and i didn't like it 'i hope you're going to be ok (Y/N)' i thought as i held my hands over my mouth and sobbing.

⋆ TO ᗷE ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌEᗪ ⋆

well.. *cough* uhm yea cliffhanger!! sorry sorry but you'll only see what happens in the next chapter but yea that was very sad (Y/N) getting kidnapped, sorta tortured, getting stabbed then going to the hospital? that was a lot that happened but as always hope you all enjoyed this chapter see you all in the next chapter, have an awesome day/night wherever you live and if you have a birthday, happy birthday! peace!└(^o^)┐

Word count: 1590

Draco x reader (itsfunneh) lost in memory DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now