Chpt. 2 | My saviour...?

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(Y/N) P.O.V
'They were actually hugging me...' i thought as i shed even more tears as they try comforting me finally after some minutes who knows how long we all parted from the hug and i wipe my tears as i say "finally i can call people my friends in such a long time, it feels nice" Funneh and Gold smile at me and i notice we were supposed to be going somewhere but to whe- "CLASS IS STARTING!!" Gold shouts to us we rush to our first class since we all had the same periods 'i think i'll actually like it here and hope no one knows im a youtuber i understand the krew's feelings about how people find out' i thought as i sigh.

~Time Skip to lunch brought to you by McPlebs~

(still your p.o.v)
I was waiting for Funneh and Gold to meet me at the cafeteria so i was just sitting alone was sitting alone until Brittney and Felicia spotted me and kept teasing me about being a loner and having no friends they both laugh which makes the others forcibly laugh too so i stood up slamming my hands on the table people stared at me and i.didn't.Care i had to deal with them somehow "so Felicia and Brittney do you brush your teeth everyday?" i smirk as i saw them both confused "yea ofc we do" Felicia says "well then why do you always have to badmouth people how about you take your attitude and sit down to eat like what were supposed to do huh?!" i spat and Felicia cannot handle it anymore so she spilt the drink she was holding and it all went over me "oops my bad my hand slipped" as she and Brittney laughs i try to wipe off the water off of me but to no success and what i was unaware what was gonna happen next was brittney trying to slap me but a hand stopped it, i went to see Funneh, Gold and a boy... 'so the boy stopped her slap for me? Thats so sweet' i thought but shook it away and went up to Brittney and Felicia and dropped my drink on THEM for revenge i smirk mocking Felicia "Oh my! Looks like my hands also slipped my bad" and i turn around and grab Funneh, Gold and the boy who helped me "guys lets go before the two barbies come back, oh and thank you for helping me back there i'm (Y/N) and you are..?" i ask smiling as they seemed to still be shocked and Funneh recovered first and nudged both Gold and the boy "Ahem sorry my name is Draco nice to meet you" he smiled back i got a faint blush but gladly was not seen by anyone "ah! So where we gonna eat now we can't eat anywhere near those two" i say as i look back at the cafeteria "hmm maybe the stairs im sure they wont mind" Funneh says so we walk over to the stairs and start chatting while eating mostly me and Draco talking and laughing then suddenly Funneh says "hey hey something happening here?" as she smirks me and Draco blush at her words "S-Shut it sis! How about you and Alec huh?!" Draco says confusing me and Funneh, Gold and Draco sweatdropped making me even more confused than before.

Draco's P.O.V
'Welp our covers sorta blown unless (Y/N) doesn't understand but luck wasn't in our favor her eyes widen in surprise looks like she figured out "wait your SIBLIN-" she only got to say half until Funneh shuts (Y/N)'s mouth with a cookie her favourite i'm guessing (sorry if you don't like cookies deal with it for now ;-;) and (Y/N) now nibbles on her cookies understanding the situation we three sigh in relief 'good thing we can trust her and she did look cute earli- no no no Allen don't you cant be liking someone you just met snap outta it!' i say in my head while faintly hitting my head as the others look at me confused.

(Y/N),Gold and Funneh's P.O.V
'what is happening inside Draco's head?' the three thought

Gold's P.O.V (gosh i'm making lots of changing p.o.v's haha)
I snap my fingers infront of Allen "hey hey HEY!" i say since Allen(Draco) wasn't in his right mind i sigh when he finally speaks and he flinches a bit "Finally now, why were you spacing out and hitting yourself?" Funneh says (Y/N) nods agreeing with Funneh we look at Draco waiting for his answer "w-well" he starts

Narrator P.O.V (sorry again too many p.o.v's?)
"w-well" Draco starts and continues "i m-might like someone and now i don't know what to think..." he finishes then Funneh and Gold had an idea and whispers closely to Draco so (Y/N) wouldn't hear "OOoooOOo~ so who's the lucky girl?" Funneh asks "yea Draco since when cuz you always say you dont have any crushes so we wanna know" Gold says "hey guys watcha talking about?" (Y/N) said with a questioning gaze "well since Draco says he likes someone we wanted to ask since he's never had a crush before and me and Gold were thinking about it and maybe his new crush could be Yo-" Funneh didn't finish as Draco covers her mouth and blushes deep crimson red and makes (Y/N) curious but as she was about to ask the bell just rang 'just in time!' Draco thought "BYE!" Draco  runs as if his life would break if (Y/N) had found out he likes her now the three girls just shrug and go to their classes as well

~Time skip to end of the day brought to you by kyoya breaking the fourth wall in ohshc~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I sigh finally after all the classes im freee~~ i celebrate in my head "ugh homework" my thoughts just had to ruin that moment huh? I was about to walk out of school then it started pouring heavily 'dang it just my luck the time i dont bring my umbrella' i thought then an umbrella moved above me i turn to see a blushing Draco a smiling mischievously Gold and Funneh and two unfamiliar people...or so i thought then it came again the hurting sensation came back in my head and i start falling helplessly to the ground after seeing them all together and i try again to fight back the pain and the tears invisible to the others but then i just broke and start sobbing the other were a bit shocked excluding Funneh and Gold knowing about why that happens to me and they just both hug me and says "another flashback?" Funneh asks "y-yea-" and again my head started hurting flashing lots of blurry memories but i do notice they were all about the people standing infront of me Funneh and Gold hugs me tighter in hopes to ease my pain and it worked and i smiled up at them and they smile back while the other three still have a look of shock and confusion the pink haired taller girl looked at the three of us and asked "are you ok? does your head still hurt?" she asked me lots of questions and i got dizzy and last thing i remember was all of their shouts.

⋆ TO ᗷE ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌEᗪ ⋆

Yes! I published another chapter nicee! I hope you all liked this chapter i might have to get more sleep 'cuz of this but i enjoyed writing this i hope you all like it as much as i do please comment on what you can tell me to sort of improve if anything well peace once again see ya'll on the next chapter (^o^)

Word count: 1317

Draco x reader (itsfunneh) lost in memory DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now