🤍 Episode 2: The Cheerful Cure Dream is here!

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🤍 Intro 🤍

Ciel: Bonjour, everyone! I'm Ciel Kirahoshi!
Nozomi: Nozomi Yumehara here!
Ciel: Guess what? Ever since I stepped here in Japan, I made a friend, and that's Nozomi.
Nozomi: I was proud of Ciel because she became Cure Parfait.
Ciel: Well, I also realized that Nozomi used to become a Precure. I was surprised though.
Nozomi: Really, Ciel? Me, too! Fate brought us together.
Ciel: So, Nozomi, do you think we can be partners once you will become Cure Dream?
Nozomi: Of course. I really wished to have a Precure partner!

🤍 Scene 1 🤍

*In Nozomi's dream (the place is in the park of Ichigozaka, Japan)*
*Ciel and Nozomi are going shopping in a market*
Ciel: *To Nozomi* Nozomi, thank you for accompanying me.
Nozomi: It was nothing, Ciel.
Ciel: You know how desperate I am to have friends such as you.
Nozomi: What do you mean?
Ciel: Never mind, Nozomi.
Nozomi: Aw, Ciel.
Ciel: *giggles* Anyways, what do you want to eat for dinner?
Nozomi: Uh...
*The Kirakiraru Monster (Waffle) appears on scene*
*The townspeople runs away*
Ciel and Nozomi: AH!
Ciel: MONSTER! *looks at Nozomi* Nozomi, you have to hide!
Nozomi: What about you, Ciel? I can't leave you here!
Ciel: You aren't become a Precure yet, Nozomi.
Nozomi: But, Ciel-
Ciel: No buts, okay?!
Nozomi: Fine...
Kirakiraru Monster (Waffle): It seems that you two are still here, eh? What do you want? Death?!
Ciel: None of the above! *grabs her Sweets Pact*
*Ciel's Sweets Pact opens up and her reflection is shown in the mirror*
Ciel: Cure La Mode Decoration!
*Ciel transforms into a Precure*
Cure Parfait: If you want a fight, go ahead!
Nozomi: *from her mind* I became a useless friend of Ciel because I never get to fight with her...
*In the nighttime real world*
*In Nozomi's bedroom in Yumehara Household (in Tokyo, Japan)*
*Ciel and Nozomi are sleeping together in one bed*
Nozomi: *wakes up* Huh?! What kind of dream I have?
*Ciel wakes up as well*
Nozomi: *To Ciel* Ciel, you're awake.
Ciel: Nozomi, I was about to call Rio via video call. How come you woke up in the middle of the night?
Nozomi: Well, I have a dream. I don't know if this is good or bad, but I dreamed about you transforming into a Precure to fight a monster.
Ciel: Is there anything else?
Nozomi: I wanted to help you out, Ciel, but it was impossible because I'm not a Precure anymore.
Ciel: Nozomi, I remember what you said a few days ago.
Nozomi: What did I say?
Ciel: That we mustn't lose hope.
Nozomi: Yeah.
Ciel: Come on. We have an enrolment tomorrow in Kirarigaoka University. We need to sleep early, Nozomi.
Nozomi: What about your video call with your brother?
Ciel: I will do that tomorrow. Besides, he's busy being a part-time student in France.

🤍 Scene 2 🤍

*The next day*
*In the Train Station (Nanairogaoka, Japan)*
Nozomi: How was the train ride, Ciel?
Ciel: It was fun! It's been a while since I ride train in Japan.
Nozomi: You surely miss France, do you?
Ciel: Of course! I miss all my friends there.
Nozomi: It reminds me of my Father.
Ciel: Really?
Nozomi: Yeah. My Father isn't always at home. He is always at the dorm, writing all the children's books. His notable works are "The Missing Daughter".
Ciel: I've never heard of that. How often did Sir Tsutomu (Yumehara) go home?
Nozomi: He visited our house once a month.
Ciel: Now I know why I didn't see him when I first came into your house.
Nozomi: Yeah. Come on! Let's go to Kikarigaoka College School right away! We might be late for enrolment.
Ciel: Oui! We have to hurry!
*Ciel and Nozomi starts running*
*Hinata (Hiramitsu) appears on Scene*
Ciel and Nozomi: *stop running* Huh?! *look at Hinata*
Nozomi: Hi there, Funny Girl! We just, uh, say that school. I didn't know I accidentally name-drop.
Hinata: It's okay. I just got here, and I came from Sukoyaka City.
Ciel: Oh. I hope you don't mind me asking, but do we know you?
Hinata: Maybe. *looks at Ciel* Hmm... You kinda look familiar. Are you a girl who just featured in Ichigozaka long ago?
Ciel: That's me! I was popular in Ichigozaka back then! I'm Ciel Kirahoshi!
Nozomi: And I'm Nozomi Yumehara!
Hinata: Hi there, Ciel and Nozomi. My name is Hinata Hiramitsu!
Nozomi: You know what, Hinata? I like your cheery attitude.
Hinata: He, he! Thanks! You too, Nozomi! If you two go to Kikarigaoka College School, I will go there, too.
Ciel: You'll go there to enroll, Hinata?
Hinata: YES! LET'S MOVE, GIRLS! *drags Ciel and Nozomi*
Ciel and Nozomi: OKAY!
*20 minutes later*
*In the school entrance (Kirarigaoka College School)*
Nozomi: So, THIS IS IT!
Ciel: It's been a while since I studied in Japanese School.
Nozomi: I see. I bet going to study here is new to you.
Ciel: Oh, yes! You can't blame me saying that. I stayed in France for 3 years, and I occasionally visit here during break because I miss Japan.
Nozomi: Great! After our enrolment, we go shopping!
Ciel: Alright! I lost all my belongings back in the airport, so yeah!
*Ciel and Nozomi enters the school campus*
*The three girls and a boy (Arisa, Matsuri, Mami, and Botan) arrive*
Botan: Hey, look! It's Nozomi! She's with Ciel, the most popular patisserie in Ichigozaka.
Mami: Oh, yeah! I haven't seen her for a while, Botan.
Botan: Same!
Arisa: It's kinda strange that Nozomi strike a friendship with Ciel.
Matsuri: Now that we see Nozomi and Ciel together, what shall we do to them?
Mami: Let's greet them, obviously. It's been weeks since we didn't see Nozomi.
Matsuri: Yeah. High School life is fun. Don't you think?
Arisa, Mami, and Botan: Mhm.
Arisa: Let's have some fun with her!

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