🤍 Episode 10: Cure White to the rescue!

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🤍 Intro 🤍

Ciel: Bonjour, everyone! I'm Ciel Kirahoshi!
Nozomi: Nozomi Yumehara here!
Ciel and Nozomi: We are the Precure Warriors!
Nozomi: It seems that Ciel and I found a common ground, that is Cooking!
Ciel: Yeah! I wish we can find more, Nozomi. I guess we could play Board Games or whatever.
Nozomi: That would be great, Ciel. Uh, Ciel, do you think our friends will be Precures?
Ciel: I'm not sure, but maybe. If we believe in Miracles, why not?
Nozomi: It would be nice if we have new teammates. The villains will become stronger and we might got overpowered by them.
Ciel: Good point though. We have encountered lots of enemies lately.
Nozomi: Yeah, but let's be optimistic. We can win the battle alone together.

🤍 Scene 1 🤍

*In the living room of Yukishiro Household (Garden of Rainbows, Japan)*
*Sanae (Yukishiro) is watching TV*
*Honoka arrives on scene*
Honoka: Good afternoon, Grandma.
Sanae: Honoka! I'm glad you showed up.
Honoka: Yeah. I have a hard time acing my subjects ever since you got Osteoporosis. I can't concentrate because I always think about you.
Sanae: Honoka, don't worry about me. You should think about your future and yourself. If ever I will die, just remember that I love you very much.
Honoka: Grandma, don't say that! We made a promise that you will watch me marching when I graduate college.
Sanae: I'm now close in my 80's, and I have illness. I don't know if I make it alive by the time you graduate college. Can you give me water?
Honoka: Sure.
*The next day*
*In Honoka's classroom (Kirarigaoka College School)*
*All the 43 students (including Honoka) are looking at the board while Teacher Kosaka (Man) is discussing*
*Umi notices that Honoka become sad and depressed*
Honoka: *sighs* What was Grandma thinking? She was so pessimistic lately.
Umi: Well, give your Grandmother a time.
Honoka: I did give her a time, Umi. She always talks about what will happen if she's gone.
Umi: I can't blame her. Miss Sanae is already old. You shouldn't leave Sanae's side no matter what it takes.
Honoka: *smiles and nods* I'll note that, Umi!
Teacher Kosaka: Miss Yukishiro, Miss Matsutake, keep quiet.
Honoka and Umi: Sorry, Teacher Kosaka!
Teacher Kosaka: Now, you better listen because we're having a quiz next meeting.
Honoka and Umi: Alright...
*Teacher Kosaka goes back to discussing*
*A few hours later*
*Honoka takes a walk on the streets (Nanairogaoka, Japan)*
Honoka: I can't concentrate on any studies, especially in "Principles in Chemistry 1". How come I can't manage to cheer Grandma up?
*Something falls from the sky*
Honoka: Whose voice is that?!
*Mipple falls into the road*
Honoka: Strange, isn't it? The Shooting Star just fell. *runs towards Mipple* Mipple?
Mipple: *wakes up and stands up* Uh... Hello ~mipo?
Honoka: Mipple, is that you?
Mipple: What? How did you know my name ~mipo?
Honoka: We used to be partners, remember? Don't tell me you forget about me.
Honoka: Yes! It's me, Mipple.
Mipple: Aww! I miss you ~mipo. *hugs Honoka*
Honoka: Same! What brings you here?
Mipple: The Queen asked me to go back to Earth ~mipo.
Honoka: I see. Anyways, I have two friends who are Precures, and they always save the day!
Mipple: And who are the two friends you're referring ~mipo?
Honoka: Ciel and Nozomi. They transform together as Cure Parfait and Cure Dream.
Mipple: I see. The reason why I'm here is to renew your partnership with me ~mipo. You should be a Precure to help your two friends. Can I meet them both ~mipo?
Honoka: Sure!

🤍 Scene 2 🤍

*The next day*
*In the hallway of Garden of Rainbows Public Hospital*
*Ciel, Nozomi, and Honoka are standing outside of the Clinic Room*
Honoka: Good thing you guys make it on time.
Ciel: Yeah.
Nozomi: By the way, the competition Ciel and I are in reached 10 million views! We spend half of our cash prize for shopping.
Ciel: And the other half will be for our school tuition next semester.
Honoka: Cool!
Nozomi: I guess Ciel becomes popular again like she once were few years ago, back in Ichigozaka.
Honoka: Right. You guys wanna meet my fairy friend?
Ciel and Nozomi: Sure!
Honoka: Great! *shows the Heartful Commune to Ciel and Nozomi* Everyone, this is Mipple!
Ciel and Nozomi: Woah!
Nozomi: Wait! Mipple is just a phone?
Mipple: *transforms into her normal fairy form* Just a phone?! How rude of you to say that ~mipo.
Ciel: You can transform between a phone and a fairy form at will?
Mipple: Yes! Can you guys tell me what your names are ~mipo?
Ciel: I'm Ciel Kirahoshi.
Nozomi: I'm Nozomi Yumehara.
Mipple: How very nice! Are you guys Precures like what Honoka said ~mipo.
Nozomi: Of course! You're lucky that Honoka was our friend.
Ciel: Oui!
Nozomi: *To Honoka* How was your Grandmother, Honoka?
Honoka: She's fine. She's on a checkup right now.
*In the Hospital Lobby*
*Aya (Yukishiro) and Taro (Yukishiro) are sitting on a chair*
Aya: I hope Mother is okay. I can't stand losing her.
Taro: You have to go easy, Aya. Panicking won't help you.
Aya: If only I never let Mother drink soda from long ago.
Taro: Aya, it's all in the past. The important thing is that Mother is alive and well. She just need to be double checked now that she has Osteoporosis.
Aya: I wonder if Honoka and Mother are in the clinic. What if I send Honoka the text if Mother is okay?
Taro: That could work.
*In the Clinic Room*
*Doctor Kenzaki (Woman) looks at Sanae*
Sanae: Does that mean that I don't need a surgery?
Doctor Kenzaki: No, Miss Yukishiro. I see that your health is improving bit by bit. Have you continue drinking the Bisphosphonate Pills I gave to you?
Sanae: I do, Doctor Kenzaki.
Doctor Kenzaki: You should continue doing it every week until your next Checkup next year. You must also take Calcium, Vitamin D, and Protein to strengthen your bones.
Sanae: I will, I will. Thank you, Doctor!
Doctor Kenzaki: Anytime!
*Sanae stands up and leaves the clinic room*
*A minute later*
*In the Hospital Lobby*
*Aya, Taro, and Sanae are sitting on a chair while Nozomi, Ciel, and Honoka are standing*
Aya: *To Sanae* How's the checkup, Mother?
Sanae: It was great! My health is improving as what my doctor said.
Aya: That's good to hear.
Taro: Well, why don't we celebrate then by eating lunch in a buffet restaurant?
Aya: That's a good idea, my dear!
Honoka: Yeah!
Taro: *To Ciel and Nozomi* Since you two are Honoka's friends, why don't you two join in?
Ciel and Nozomi: Us?
Taro: Yes! I insist. Join us at lunch, please!
Nozomi: Uh, sure thing, Sir Taro.
Ciel: We would love to.
Honoka: I bet you two will like the restaurant we're in. Trust me.

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