🤍 Episode 12: Here comes Energetic Cure Sparkle!

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🤍 Intro 🤍

Ciel: Bonjour, everyone! I'm Ciel Kirahoshi!
Nozomi: Nozomi Yumehara here!
Ciel and Nozomi: The two of us are Precures!
Ciel: Guess what? Madoka becomes Cure Selene.
Nozomi: That means we add another Precure teammate! I'm so excited, Ciel!
Ciel: Me too, Nozomi! Now, only Miyuki, Rikka, and Hinata are left without powers.
Nozomi: Hmm... I wonder who will be next. Will they get powers individually?
Ciel: Or what if they get their devices and transform together as a trio?
Nozomi: THAT WOULD BE COOL, CIEL! I mean, that was amazing!
Ciel: Of course it is, Nozomi. Let's hope for them to become Precures as soon as possible.
Nozomi: Yeah!

🤍 Scene 1 🤍

*In the Boutique in Yume Port (Sukoyaka City, Japan)*
*Hinata and Eriko (Saito) are looking for the clothes*
Eriko: I'm happy that you make time for me again, Hinata.
Hinata: Of course, Eriko. That's what friends are for.
Eriko: Hinata, I have something to tell you.
Hinata: What is it?
Eriko: I also studied in Kirarigaoka College School like you do. I have been there since 1st year of High School.
Hinata: FOR REAL?! But, how come I didn't see you if we're schoolmates?
Eriko: Well, I did see you often with your new friends, especially Rikka, but I was so shy to approach you whenever I see them with you.
Hinata: Oh, Elizabeth. You really are an introvert, aren't you?
Eriko: Now you've guessed it, Natasha!
*Hinata and Eriko laugh*
Eriko: Anyways, I saw you often with Rikka in your CureSta post. When did she become your friend?
Hinata: Oh! Rikkachi and I became friends when we attended the same school in High School 2 years ago. We only became close when we found out our own families came from medical history.
Eriko: That's great! By the way, Natasha, I have to go right now. I have to work on my assignments.
Hinata: That fast?
Eriko: Yeah! Don't worry! We can see each other in school on Monday. Bye! *hugs Hinata and runs off*
Hinata: *waves at Eriko* Bye, Elizabeth!
*A few minutes later*
*On the streets (Sukoyaka City, Japan)*
*Hinata watches the Paris Fashion Week through the phone*
???: AHHHH!
Hinata: *turns off the phone* Huh? Is someone coming? *looks at someone* AHHH!
*Hinata and Nyatoran bump each other's heads*
Hinata and Nyatoran: *touches their own heads* Ouch!
*Hinata catches Nyatoran*
Nyatoran: *touches his head* That really hurts ~nya!
Hinata: Are you okay, Kitty?
Nyatoran: I'm fine, Hinata. And please don't call me "Kitty". You act as if you don't know me ~nya.
Hinata: EHHHH?! You're Nyatoran?!
Nyatoran: I am! I understand you forgot my name since you haven't met me for a while.
Hinata: Yeah! The last time we saw each other was 4 years ago, I think.
Nyatoran: So, how's your day with Chiyu (Sawaizumi) and Nodoka (Hanadera) ~nya?
Hinata: Them? We haven't talked in a while, but I'm sure they're okay!
Nyatoran: I suppose you have new friends in your new school, eh?
Hinata: Yeah! Wanna go to my house? I will go home right now.
Nyatoran: Sure, Hinata. Do you still live in the same house since we first met ~nya?
Hinata: Yep! Everything's changed within 4 years, so.
Nyatoran: I see.
Hinata: Let's go, Nyatoran?
Nyatoran: Sure ~nya!

🤍 Scene 2 🤍

*30 minutes later*
*In the living room in Hiramitsu Animal Clinic/Hiramitsu Household (Sukoyaka City, Japan)*
*Hinata and Nyatoran arrive*
Hinata: Here we are!
Nyatoran: This place hasn't changed since the last time I came here ~nya.
Hinata: Yeah. The clinic is still the same as what it was 4 years ago. Uh, Nyatoran?
Nyatoran: What is it, Hinata?
Hinata: How come you came here in the first place?
Nyatoran: You see, Queen Teatinu summoned me to come here and find you because the world isn't safe as long as there are monsters ~nya.
Hinata: Kinda like what I saw one battle on TV, and I saw Cure Ange and Cure Pine fighting the monster together.
Nyatoran: Hmm... What kind of warrior are they?
Hinata: The Blue and Yellow Warriors, reminds me of myself and Rikka.
Nyatoran: Who's Rikka?
*Youta (Hiramitsu) appears on scene*
*Nyatoran pretends to be a normal animal*
Youta: Hinata, you're back!
Hinata: Big Bro, how's work going while I'm gone?
Youta: It was all great, Hinata. How's the hangout with your old friend, huh?
Hinata: It was fun, but it was cut short because she's going to work on her assignments. But the best part is that we're schoolmates in my current school.
Youta: That's great then! Who are you referring to?
Hinata: My childhood friend, Eriko!
Youta: Cool! Anyways, do you have a quiz tomorrow?
Hinata: Well, yeah.
Youta: You need to study as soon as possible. Education is important, you know?
Hinata: I understand. I better go to my room! See ya, Big Bro! *runs off*
*The next day*
*In the school lobby (Kirarigaoka College School)*
*Ciel, Nozomi, Honoka, Madoka, Hinata, Miyuki, and Rikka are sitting on a chair*
Hinata: Guess what? I met Eriko again!
Honoka: Who's Eriko?
Hinata: Eriko Saito, my childhood friend. I can't believe that she was our schoolmate! I'M SO HAPPY!
Rikka: Actually, Hinata, Eriko is my classmate in some of my subjects.
Rikka: Yeah. She took Nursing like I do, but she was placed on a different section.
Hinata: It's no wonder why she knew your name.
Nozomi: Is Eriko nice?
Hinata: Of course!
Miyuki: I hope she's as nice as you've said, Hinata.
Ciel: I wonder what you and Eriko are doing during your last hangout.
Madoka: Guys, slow down! Just give Hinata a break.
Hinata: It's okay! Eriko is a nice and gentle person. Yesterday, Eriko and I went to Yume Port to go look for clothes. You know that I wanted to be a Fashionista since when I was little.
Nozomi: Is this the reason why you took Multimedia Arts?
Hinata: Yeah!
Honoka: We all need to eat. It's almost lunchtime.
Rikka: Let's take out our pack lunch then.
Ciel: Big Sis Mei (Hiramitsu) is good at making juices. I wish she was here in school.
Nozomi: Same.
Madoka: You guys do miss her juice, do you?
*Ciel and Nozomi nod*
Hinata: Do not worry! My Big Sis will be in school tomorrow! She was hired by the school again to sell.
Ciel and Nozomi: *gasps happily* REALLY?!
Hinata: Yeah!
Ciel and Nozomi: YAY!
Miyuki: I'm ultra happy for you, guys!
Honoka: Me too!
Hinata: And I have an exciting announcement for you!
Nozomi: Another one? What is it?
Hinata: It's a surprise!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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