🤍 Episode 3: Ciel returns her Lost Things!

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🤍 Intro 🤍

Ciel: Bonjour, everyone! I'm Ciel Kirahoshi!
Nozomi: Nozomi Yumehara here!
Ciel: Nozomi and I are the same now! We both have our powers back!
Nozomi: I became Cure Dream now! I am super duper excited! YEEE!
Ciel: Anyways, as Precures, it's up to me and Nozomi to fight the evil. What do you think, Nozomi?
Nozomi: I am both excited and nervous, Ciel. You have to risk your life in order to become hero.
Ciel: Don't worry, Nozomi. I got your back. We should face the enemy together.
Nozomi: Right, then! It's decided!

🤍 Scene 1 🤍

*In the park (Garden of Rainbows, Japan)*
*Ciel and Nozomi eat an ice cream*
Ciel: *To Nozomi* Hey, Nozomi!
Nozomi: What is it, Ciel?
Ciel: Are you excited for the first day of school next week?
Nozomi: A bit nervous. You know that I'm not good in academics, even now that I reached college.
*Ciel laughs*
Nozomi: Uh, Ciel, is there anything funny?
Ciel: I'm sorry! It's just that you wanted to become a teacher, and yet you struggle with grades. If I were you, Nozomi, you must study hard.
Nozomi: That's what I do, but my highest grade is B+. Nothing else.
Ciel: That's still good. At least you try your best to pass the subject.
Nozomi: Thanks!
Ciel: Excuse me! I have to go to the store. *runs off*
Nozomi: Sure! *sighs* I hope you're okay in the store, Ciel.
???: AHHH!
*Nozomi looks at something from the sky*
*EnEn and Nozomi bump each other's heads*
*Nozomi catches EnEn*
Nozomi and EnEn: OUCH!
Nozomi: Watch where you're going, Little One.
EnEn: Oh, sorry! Sorry if I bother you, Miss!
EnEn: I guess so? What is your name anyway, Miss?
Nozomi: I'm Nozomi Yumehara. And you are?
EnEn: I'm EnEn! I'm a Fairy from Fairy World.
Nozomi: I see. I guess you're here for assistance, eh?
EnEn: Why not? I sensed that there's a Precure here in Japan, so I decided to come here.
Nozomi: Guess what? I'm a Precure, too!
Nozomi: Yeah! My friend, Ciel Kirahoshi, is also a Precure! She was in the store. I'll bring you to her.
EnEn: Sure thing, Nozomi.
*Nozomi starts running*
*A few minutes later*
*In the grocery store (Garden of Rainbows, Japan)*
*Ciel looks something in the biscuit section*
Ciel: I wonder what to buy next? I realized that there are so many changes her in Japan.
*Nozomi appears on scene*
Nozomi: Hello there, Ciel!
Ciel: Nozomi, what's up? Why did you come here?
Nozomi: I have a surprise for you. I'm sure you will like it.
Ciel: Hmm... What would it be?

🤍 Scene 2 🤍

*Another few minutes later*
*In the park (Garden of Rainbows, Japan)*
(Ciel, Nozomi, and EnEn Scene)
*Ciel got surprised when seeing EnEn*
EnEn: Hello there, Ciel!
Ciel: Hi there, EnEn. How did you know my name?
EnEn: Easy! Nozomi told me about your name.
Nozomi: Well, Ciel, EnEn has no place to stay. Would it be okay if EnEn will stay with us?
Ciel: Of course, but it was you who should decide if you will take EnEn in, Nozomi.
Nozomi: Alright, fine. He will stay in my house anyway, so... *To EnEn* EnEn, you can stay with us. Ciel is okay with it.
EnEn: Really, Nozomi?
Nozomi: Mhm!
Ciel: I guess you're happy that you will stay with us under one roof.
EnEn: Of course, Ciel. I really need a place to stay.
*Honoka appears on Scene*
Honoka: *To Ciel and Nozomi* Uh, hi?
*EnEn pretends as a stuffed toy*
Ciel and Nozomi: Hello!
Ciel: Do we know you?
Ciel: You bet I am. How did you know me?
Honoka: I did a little research from you. I saw a luggage being left behind back in the airport few weeks ago. I think that luggage belongs to you.
Ciel and Nozomi: WHAT?!
Ciel: Where are my things if you see one, Miss?
Honoka: At my house.
Nozomi: How come you see the luggage?
Honoka: I went on a vacation in United States with my parents, and it's a good timing that I see the luggage when we arrived here.
Ciel: Can you bring us to your house?
Honoka: Sure!
*In the Bad End Kingdom*
Pierrot: *To the Bad End Squad* ARGH!
The Bad End Squad: AHHH! *hug each other*
Pierrot: You lost to those pathetic Precures?!
Mal: Well, we won't let it happen again, Master! We promise!
Mouse King: Yeah! Just give us more time to practice our powers.
Red Riding Hood: But guess what? All five of us started making friends from other dimensions like you told us.
Papa Bear: I guess the news will make us happy, Master.
Pierrot: Of course I'm happy, but all five of you must take your job easily. Actions speak louder than words! Remember that!
The Bad End Squad: *stops hugging each other* Y-Yes!
Gothel: We'll note that, Master.
Pierrot: Good! And now, I must leave you for a while! *leaves the scene*
Red Riding Hood: We mustn't let Master Pierrot down.
Mal: I agree with you, Red Riding Hood.
Mouse King: Speaking of finding friends, I think our mission is cool.
Papa Bear: Same here, Mouse King! Anyways, I have to go have some fun in the human world.
Gothel: Good luck, Papa Bear! I will do such thing too.
Papa Bear: Ha, ha! That's my girl!

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