🤍 Episode 5: Nozomi will Ace her First Test?!

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🤍 Intro 🤍

Ciel: Bonjour, everyone! I'm Ciel Kirahoshi!
Nozomi: Nozomi Yumehara here!
Ciel: Nozomi and I are...
Ciel and Nozomi: Precures!
Nozomi: Guess what? We all get to bond with Miyuki, Honoka, Madoka, Hinata, and Rikka!
Ciel: They're all nice. I wish all seven of us become more closer than ever.
Nozomi: And then... We must tell them that we're Precures. IT'S DECIDED!
Ciel: Not a chance, Nozomi! We will be in big trouble if we tell our Cure identities to anyone.
Nozomi: I think you're right, Ciel.
Ciel: Say, we must bond with our new friends even more! What do you think?
Nozomi: It's a great idea, Ciel!

🤍 Scene 1 🤍

*In the downtown (Kanon Town, Japan)*
*Parfait and Dream confront the Jikochuu (Piano) together*
Jikochuu (Piano): JIkochuu! *tries to smack Parfait and Dream*
Cure Parfait and Cure Dream: EHHH?! *dodges the attack by jumping*
Jikochuu (Piano): JIko!
*Parfait and Dream land into the ground*
Cure Dream: What shall we do now?
Cure Parfait: Let's fight again! *jumps towards the Jikochuu (Piano)*
Cure Dream: Parfait, wait!
Cure Parfait: HAAAA! *tries to kick the Jikochuu (Piano) on the chest*
*The Jikochuu produces sound waves to blow Parfait away*
Cure Dream: PARFAIT!
*Parfait crashes into the ground*
Cure Dream: Oh, dear! *runs towards Parfait*
Luxuria: It looks like you two have difficulties in dealing with my monster, huh?
Cure Dream: Don't underestimate us! We can beat that monster of yours! Mark my words!
*Parfait stands up*
Luxuria: How can you beat my monster? You two are weak! Jikochuu can beat you without a sweat!
Cure Parfait: Weak, you say?
Luxuria: Of course!
Cure Parfait: Well then! I'll prove you wrong! Just watch! *grabs her rainbow Ribbon*
Cure Parfait: Kirakirakirarin! Parfait Étoile! *creates three hoops to entrap the Akanbe (Ice Cream Box)*
*The hoop explodes*
Jikochuu (Piano): Jikochuu! *loses its balance*
Cure Dream: Nice work, Parfait! Let me purify the monster!
*Dream first makes fists with both hands and crosses on them in front of her chest, causing the butterfly-shaped emblem to glow in pink color*
Cure Dream: Pretty Cure, *goes up into the sky* Shooting Star! *forms a butterfly shield and goes towards the Jikochuu (Piano)*
*The Jikochuu (Piano) takes a hit*
Jikochuu (Piano): Love, love, loooove! *vanishes*
*the Psyche flies and returns to the boy*
*The boy turns back to normal*
The boy: *wakes up* What happened?
Luxuria: By the way, I guess I will be grounded for sure!
Cure Dream: Bleh! That's what you deserve, Luxuria!
Luxuria: I will be back! Just wait for my wrath, Precures! *leaves the scene*
*Every damage turns back to normal*
*EnEn arrives on scene*
EnEn: *To Parfait and Dream* Parfait, Dream, how come you two transformed? Did I miss something?
Cure Parfait: Not at all, except that there's a battle earlier.
Cure Dream: Come on! We have to get moving and revert back to normal!
Cure Parfait: Okay!

🤍 Scene 2 🤍

*An hour later*
*In the Train Station (Tokyo, Japan)*
*Ciel and Nozomi are taking a walk, with EnEn being held by Ciel*
Ciel: *To Nozomi* Well, Nozomi, what's your plan for now?
Nozomi: I don't really know, Ciel. I can't study very well no matter what I try.
Ciel: Maybe it's because you have short-term memory.
Nozomi: Yeah. I noticed that I'm good in battle, but academics? Not a chance.
Ciel: Why don't you try to shift your course into an easier one?
Nozomi: Are you kidding? Being a teacher is my lifelong dream, Ciel! I wanted to help someone who is academically challenged like me. Shifting courses might mean that I gave up that dream for something else.
Ciel: Then, you must study very hard.
EnEn: I may not be more experienced in this world, but my advice is that you must prioritize your studies to have a better job.
Nozomi: Aww. Thank you, EnEn!
EnEn: Don't mention it, Nozomi.
*A few hours later (nighttime)*
*In the bedroom in Yumehara Household*
*Nozomi is reading her handouts*
Nozomi: "The Child Learning Principles" subject is way harder! Our first test will be on Monday! I remember the time where I got embarrassed after I tell my classmates that I wanted to become a teacher back in high school.
*One year ago*
*In Nozomi's classroom (Verone Academy)*
*Nozomi's 47 classmates and the Teacher (Woman) look at Nozomi while standing in front of everyone*
Nozomi: Hello there, friends! My name is Nozomi Yumehara! I wanted to be a teacher!
*Nozomi's 47 classmates got puzzled*
Botan: Teacher, you say? Are you going to teach your students how to be a comedian? You're kinda bad in academics.
*Nozomi's 47 classmates laughs*
The Teacher (Woman): Botan, that's rude! You're mocking your fellow students.
Nozomi: *To herself* What was I thinking? Why did I say it to anyone that I will become a teacher? Now I'm a laughing stock!
The Teacher (Woman): Miss Yumehara, any words you wanted to say?
Nozomi: Nothing, Teacher.
The Teacher (Woman): Then, you may take a seat!
Nozomi: Alright. *goes back to her seat*
*flashback ends*
Nozomi: I was lucky that my introduction went fine last week. I don't want to remember what happened in high school again. *covers her face with a book*
*Ciel spies on Nozomi through the door*
*A minute later*
*In the living room*
Ciel: I feel very bad for Nozomi. She is poor in academics.
EnEn: I see why. If you want to be a teacher, your grades must be high.
Ciel: Well, high grades don't mean you will become a successful teacher, EnEn.
EnEn: What do you mean?
Ciel: If you really want to pursue your goals, you need to be diligent. Diligence will make you become successful. My boss in France told me that.
EnEn: I see.
Ciel: I don't know what I can do to help Nozomi. Any ideas?
EnEn: Why don't you contact your friends? Maybe they can help.
Ciel: I think that idea is great! Let's tell them together, EnEn!
EnEn: Alright, but you should do it yourself instead, Ciel. I don't have a human form like you do, remember?
Ciel: Oh, right. I forgot. I'll create a group chat then.

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