im ok

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well other then my iPod not working and my crazy thoughts I'm ok i went to the movies with my friends today it was fun

i feel uneasy and disgraceful tho i was reading the bible and right after god found Adam and eve he asked them why they ate the fruit they said temptation then god turns to eve "since you have sinned i will intensify the pangs of your child bearings and in pain shall you give forth children" he cursed her with pain for eating fruit then he turns to Adam "by the sweat of your head will you get bread to eat, until the day you return to the ground from which you were taken;for you are dirt and to dirt you shall return" god forced him to work forever so he could survive only to one day die and his work be for nothing and all this because they realized there was evil in the world that's what the apple did it gave them knowledge of all good and evil just think about what god is going to do to me I've done so much bad things and I've always asked for forgiveness every time then i do it again when i die god will take one look at me and cast me down I'm a mistake and god knows it i just wanted you guys to know too

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