The second,third,fourth & fifth member

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Sorry about long chapter name

So after me and Dylan created our group we started advertising it. telling people all about it but no one was interested they either were apart of a group or to scared to join we hated it. but one day at lunch we meet a boy unlike Dylan he just sits down at our table "excuse me but this is our table" I say trying to be polite "dose it have you name on it" he say not even glancing my way "um well n-" "then it's not your table is it" he snaps Me and Dylan look at each other not knowing what to say but then I say something both brave and stupid "do you want to join our group I say as Dylan looks at me like I just killed his family "I'm mark and this is Dylan we have a group called the misfits and I was wondering if you wanted to join" the boy looks at me then says "are you stupid?" In shock I say no and he looks to Dylan "is he?" before I could answer Dylan slams his hand on the table "NO I AM NOT" the boy laughs "good just checking I'm Michael" he holds out hand and I shake it. we sit and eat for a little bit at that point Michael shots up and waves to two three girls the one on the right had brown hair and was wearing a lot of blue the other two were blond one wearing a hat and like I always I thought up the worst situations. but they walk over anyways and sat down "hi I'm Olivia" the browns haired girl says "and this is Erin" she points to the blond "and that's holly" the one with the hat shakes my hand and says "sup bitches" making a peace sign I shake Erin's and Olivia's hand and then say "I'm mark and this is Dylan" Dylan didn't seem so annoyed anymore witch was good because I liked them except for that Michael kid I still wasn't sure about him. we ate lunch together tho a lot actually after about a well or so I asked "so guys I was wondering if you would like to join our group" I already knew the answer because they already knew what it was about I was just scared to ask but after they thought about it holly turned to me and said puzzled "I thought we already were" the other two agreed which made me smile "you know what you are welcome to the group"

Ok I know this one sucks but in all fairness I was half asleep when I wrote it

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