Here comes pain

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You guys know Travis right well he just told us that he will be leaving in three weeks and it made me sad because one he hates me and it's probably for what I did I really need to work on how I handle my crushes but anyway so he says this and it also made me sad because I've come to peace with him not liking me and likening my best friends but he rubs it in like he will flex in front of me and stuff I don't know but he say he likes to tease me it's just I really thought he'd say and yeah this may sound selfish but I really did hope his parents found a job here and not in Ohio ugh I'm never going to meet that special someone and yeah I love people on the internet like this one girl she's bigender and we really hit it off but I don't think it will work because of the distance and stuff like that I really wish it find someone soon hopefully a guy because girls are annoying me right now but that's life well sorry if this chapter makes no sense just need to tell someone before I explode because I know if I told my friend they'd think "oh you just say that because you want him" and I'm like "no I'm really sad" well that's all for now thanks for listening or reading what ever

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