Once Upon A Chance

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Chapter One~ Anya

             My thoughts jumbled as he kissed me, his soft mouth like magic against mine. I sighed as he pulled back. “What is it this time?" I groaned.

             Johnson laughed. “Anna, we're in public. We can't exactly have a full-time make out session in front of everyone."

             Oh yeah. We were in public. Oh well...

             Grabbing my hand, Johnson pulled me to the next vendor, pointing to some red dress and asking me what I thought about it.

             “Yeah," I muttered, scanning the random faces in my boredom. “Nice..."

             My eyes seemed to automatically land on one guy as if I knew he was there. His black hair was tied up and tucked under a beanie, his electric blue eyes shaded by sunglasses. Looking like a prince, his dress shirt was a deep blood red, and his tights did wonders for his already irresistible looks. Somehow he was pulling off his half-medieval, half-modern look and fit in perfectly with the whole renaissance theme of the event. Black combat boots beat against the ground as he walked unknowingly directly in my line of vision, his perfection only yards away.

             He stopped, and somehow I knew he could feel my eyes on him. As if on cue, he looked my way, catching my stare. I righted myself and turned towards Johnson.

             “Um... you know, that dress is only a few hundred. Maybe I should get it after all..."

             Johnson smirked, raising his eyebrows. “Babe, I already got it."

             “Oh. You... what?"

             “Yeah. I asked and you muttered something about it being "totally fucking hot," so I bought it.

             Oh, shit! I hadn't been listening the whole time... And did I really mutter that?

             “Oh, that's right," I faked, plastering on a smile. “Thanks, Jay."

             He smiled wider. “Hey, no problem. Besides... maybe later, you can put it on, and I can help you get it off..."

             I grimaced. “Don't, Jay. You know I hate that."

             “Hate what exactly?" he laughed. “The fact that I talk like that, or the fact like I'm the only one who finds you attractive?"

             Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms and walked away.

             “Hey, babe, wait up-"

             “No, Jay. Just leave. Go home or something. Do whatever you want, I don't care. Just leave me alone."

             Truth be told, Johnson did this a lot. I hated how he talked, I hated how he dressed {with his pants around his fucking ankles}, how he ate, how he laughed, how he treated people... But he was right. No one else liked me whatsoever. I mean, no one. There was the occasional stare or two or ten from people, but once they got to know me, they were no longer interested in any way. I had one friend, one boyfriend, and one family member. My uncle, of course. The only one besides me who survived the accident.

             I began walking off, but Johnson followed. “What? No, babe-"


             I froze in my tracks, looking up into the man's vibrant blue eyes. They seemed shadowed by something dark. Sadness, maybe.

             He bowed and took my hand, kissing the back of it. I had to hold back a shiver as electric warmth shot through my veins.

             “My name is Olivier. And you are?"

             It took a while for me to respond, seeing as I'd gotten lost in his eyes while he spoke. His accent, though, was flawless French.

             “I... I'm... Anastasia."

             “Anya," he smiled, cocking his head to the side in admiration. “How beautiful. And this guy?"

             I looked back at a very envious and possessive Johnson. More than anything, I wanted to tell him that he was just some stranger. Some guy who found and followed me. But, no matter how pissed Johnson made me, I couldn't do that to him.

            “This is Johnson," I smiled. What? I didn't have to label him yet...

            “Nice to meet you, John," he smiled tightly.

            Olivier looked back at me. “Miss Anya," he said, his hand capturing mine once again. “Would you care to join me in an adventure around our own Camelot?"

             My own small smile spread across my face. An adventure away from Johnson? Away from all my worries? I could go with this stranger and forget all of my problems for a day. And he was perfect in every way. So far, at least.

             Or I could be nice and stay with Johnson. Go back home with him, call my uncle like a good little girl, and sit at home until I heard back from my job. But who wanted to do that?

             So for once, instead of saying no, I tried something different.

             I said yes.

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